Discipline: Biology

SLP mod 1 SeniorSLP mod 1 Senior

In this assignment, you will establish the foundation for measles intervention and prevention activities for the intended population in your area. You will apply what you have learned about Public Health, Epidemiology, and Health Statistics. Identify a prevalent immigrant population in your county/state. Describe demographic information (i.e., size of the population, educational level, family size, […]

Senior ClassSenior Class

Describe the epidemiology of measles. Identify three factors that have contributed to the global resurgence of measles. Compare and contrast statistics regarding measles globally, in the United States, and in your state (identify the state about which you are writing). Summarize continuing challenges to measles control in the United States. Assignment Expectations Length: 3–4 pages, excluding […]


   LINEAR PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT ONE. QUESTION (a)If ,,, is a feasible soln of the system of linear equations   Reduce the above feasible solution to basic feasible solutions[10mks] (b)Find the optimum solution of the following programming problem: Maximize Subject to ,,,  [10mks] TOTAL :[20mks]

Macroeconomics discussion 2Macroeconomics discussion 2

Should America encourage free trade with its trading partners or seek a more protectionist approach? Take a stand on this issue. It is not enough to argue BOTH sides of the issue. Support your opinion with good economic reasoning. Who benefits from your approach and who loses? Why? Include impacts on both American citizens and […]

student responsesstudent responses

Response 1 The psychiatric examination is an essential aspect of patient care that a mental health nurse practitioner must know well to diagnose appropriately. According to Snyderman & Rovner (2009), “familiarity with the components of the psychiatric examination can help physicians evaluate for and differentiate psychiatric disorder.” The psychiatric examination involves systematically gathering information, including […]

How Can ESA Help In Chronic IllnessesHow Can ESA Help In Chronic Illnesses

  Presentation Emotional support animals (ESAs) are turning into an undeniably famous type of treatment for individuals with chronic pain or other chronic illnesses. Chronic pain and chronic illnesses can altogether affect a person’s psychological and emotional prosperity, prompting anxiety, wretchedness, and social disconnection. ESAs can offer emotional support and solace to individuals with chronic […]

The Impact of ESAs on Individuals with Phobias or Anxiety DisordersThe Impact of ESAs on Individuals with Phobias or Anxiety Disorders

  Introduction Anxiety disorders and phobias are among the most common mental health conditions that affect people worldwide. These disorders can lead to significant distress, impairment, and negative impacts on daily life activities. Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) are gaining popularity as a form of therapy for individuals with anxiety disorders and phobias. ESAs are pets […]

Discussion 1.1 – IntroductionDiscussion 1.1 – Introduction

  Introduce yourself to the instructor and other course participants. Answer the following questions or post others that you think are relevant to the course.  Why are you interested in this course? What are your personal and professional expectations for this course? What do you seek to gain from this course? Discussion Expectations:   The minimum […]

Discussion 1.2 – Genetic TestingDiscussion 1.2 – Genetic Testing

  Discussion 1.2: Genetic Testing Genetic diagnostic testing has been developed for many individuals with a history of disease in their families.  The testing can identify if an individual has a defective gene. For this discussion, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of genetic testing. Include whether or not you would have genetic testing done. Explain […]