Discipline: Business Finance - Accounting

Exercise 1Exercise 1

  Describe the necessity, purpose and potential makeup of a board of directors. Minimum Requirements Professional communication is a valued talent in the marketplace, and these exercises provide wonderful practice in preparing for those experiences. You are required to submit a 3-Page (Title Page, Content Page, Reference Page), APA 7 formatted paper with substantial content. […]

Financial Analysis Presentation AssignmentFinancial Analysis Presentation Assignment

  ZOOM ACCT 370 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Each  student  will  prepare  a  10-12  minute  presentation,  summarizing  the  financial  statement analysis completed on the company that was the focus of the Excel Project.   INSTRUCTIONS Start by preparing a PowerPoint presentation that concisely summarizes the following key areas: 1. INTRODUCTION: A general description […]

Week 5 JournalWeek 5 Journal

In order to do this assignment you are given a career as a Healthcare Administrator. Apply your answers to having this career path. Please remember to include a cover page and reference page in addition to the text.  Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read The Real-Life MBA: Your No-BS Guide to Winning the […]

Week 5 Assignment 2Week 5 Assignment 2

For this assignment, research two contemporary accounting topics, such as valuing intellectual capital and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and how these standards differ from Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), and sustainability and environmental accounting. There are several articles and one video in this week’s recommended resources section of the course guide that can help […]

Week 4 ProjectWeek 4 Project

  The complete Writing Project and Presentation is found in Getting Started. Upload the portion of the project due this week. Requirements: Writing and interpreting results is a large part of your learning experience. These assignments are designed to improve your use of technology and communication skills. You will now be sharing your ideas with […]


You work as a financial analyst at a large automobile corporation that occasionally makes acquisitions of smaller companies that specialize in the production and assembly of small component parts. In order to achieve vertical integration of its newest sports sedan model, the company is evaluating a few manufacturing companies that have experienced strong financial performance […]

Unit II FMUnit II FM

In Unit VII of this course, you will submit a final paper on a publicly traded company of your choice. You will complete this paper over several units in this course. For this assignment, you will be completing the first part of this project. It would be a good idea to read all of the […]

D QsD Qs

1. This unit focused on the two basic types of accounting methods, job order and process costing, used for valuing products as they are being produced. Think about the industry that you currently work in or the one in which you would like to work in. What type of costing method is typically used in […]

Federal Trade CommissionFederal Trade Commission

   A minimum of 175 words: What purpose does the Federal Trade Commission serve and why must business owners be educated on Federal Trade Commission practices? Consider 1 of the following sections of the Federal Trade Commission Act: Deceptive Advertising Labeling and Packaging Laws Sales Regarding the section you chose, provide an example of when […]


  Introduction: TRICARE is the healthcare provider for active or retired military personnel. It also covers the family of these persons. There are a variety of plans and qualifications that go along with this coverage. In order to understand TRICARE, it is important to understand the benefits available and to whom they are available. Tasks: […]