Discipline: Business Finance - Accounting


Review the Chapter 5 Case Study: “Goggle’s Foray into ‘Device Makers’ in Its Search for the Next Big Thing” and the Chapter 6 Case Study: “Has Proctor & Gamble Fully Recovered From Its 2005 Acquisition of Gillette?” in the textbook and respond to the questions related to each case. After responding to the case study […]


Review the assigned article, “Keeping the Sale of Your Private Company on Track.” What are the common preparation mistakes sellers make in preparing to sell their company? Which one of those mistakes is most likely to be fatal? Explain your answer. Keeping the Sale of Your Private Company On Track. (2007). Financial Executive, 23(3), 40–42.

Reaction paper 2Reaction paper 2

Reaction paper: write 2-3 pages – Use APA format  1.What is the meaning of work to you, both personal and in the context of your family history 2.What is Women’s work? What is Man work?  3.What Impact do you think a woman running for president has on gender stereotypes? What countries have had female Leaders? […]

Paper reviewPaper review

THE COMPANY IS APPLE INC. K-10 IS ATTACHED ACCT-221 10-K Project Instructions Overview As an analyst for a large U.S. multinational corporation, you are assigned to examine a possible acquisition candidate, completing an initial search and review. Your supervisor is a member of the Controller’s team. The Controller reports directly to the Chief Financial Officer […]

Week 4 DiscussionsWeek 4 Discussions

Respond to at least four of your fellow students’ or instructor posts in a substantive manner. Each response should have a minimum of 100 words and be respectful of others’ opinions and beliefs that differ from your own. Total of 400 words 

cover lettercover letter

Adapting/Starting your Cover Letter – Don’t sound generic! 1. Decide – Creative or Formal (more business letterish) 2. Outline (plan)  Who are you? How you heard about position? Why are you interested/how can you benefit the company?  Pick one or two concrete examples (stories) that demonstrate the key skills that they are looking […]

Professor MacQueenProfessor MacQueen

  To learn how to apply SPCM to a process, continue the flowchart from Week 1 and identify variances within a process. You can find variances from the data identified in Week 1. Complete the Week 2 Statistical Process Control Methods Worksheet uploaded below


a) a Word file of their solution and (b) an Excel file of their solution. The Word file must show your work, explain your Excel calculations in detail, provide answers to the assignment questions, be typed, double-spaced, font size 12, and up to five pages long, excluding any exhibits you may want to attach. The […]