Discipline: Business Finance - Accounting

Module 8Module 8

  Think back through the topics covered in this course.  Your discussion post for this week will be a two part reflection.  For part one, please post your opinion of the statistical test that was covered that you feel would be the most useful (either in your proposed research for your dissertation, or just in […]

Homework Mod 7Homework Mod 7

 Homework 7Assignment Due March 5 at 11:59 PM Please Answer:  McClave text p. 569, Question 10.8 (parts a – c); p. 582, Question 10.24 (parts a – c); p. 614, Question 11.14; p. 638, Question 11.60 You must submit Homework 7 to the appropriate assignment folder no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. (This assignment […]

Journal Mod 7Journal Mod 7

  Article Review: Your instructor has provided three peer-reviewed journal articles related to business management topics that use regression. You should review the abstracts of these articles and select one to use for your review.  Read the article and provide a summary of the article. In particular, discuss the variables and techniques that were used in […]

Mod 7Mod 7

Think back to your research question used in module 6 (or come up with a new research question).  Describe a correlation and/or regression analysis that could be used to analyze the research question.  Include the type of research design and describe the variables that would be used. Post your initial response to the discussion question no […]

Organizational behavior caseOrganizational behavior case

Read the following case and respond to the questions. You work on a team with a number of talented individuals from different departments in your organization. You are the team leader, and director of your department. You have a couple people on the team that you really appreciate because they do such a good job […]

module 7 Organizational Behaviormodule 7 Organizational Behavior

For the last six weeks, we have been exploring the concepts of human behavior relevant to the successful operation of an organization. You’ve analyzed problems and made recommendations for a variety of situations, and you have conducted careful observation and reflection of your world to see these concepts at work. For the discussion this week, […]