Discipline: Business Finance - Accounting

Valuation Using MultiplesValuation Using Multiples

Choose peer companies for Chevron Corporation (financials attached) and download their relevant financial data.  Using an approach similar to the one described in this module’s Excel file, find the valuation multiples (ratios) of peer companies and estimate Chevron’s equity and enterprise values. 

Relative Valuation of an IPO CompanyRelative Valuation of an IPO Company

 One page not including references: Imagine that you are charged with valuing a start-up company that is about to do an IPO. Good sources of information about forthcoming IPOs are, for example, http://www.nasdaq.com/markets/ipos/activity.aspx?tab=upcoming and http://seekingalpha.com/stock-ideas/ipos. While as a conference topic, you don’t have to do actual valuation, please choose one company soon going public and […]

Response week 4Response week 4

Brian: Project management is an important factor in consulting. Consulting takes time, planning, organization, and other factors to succeed. The competencies of project management in consulting are important to identify when taking on a project or assignment. (Eskerod, 2010) suggest that the competence development of the employee is a core element when it comes to […]

Financial statementFinancial statement

 Choose a publicly traded company for whom you can find a 10K SEC filing. You can pick the company you work for or a company in an industry you would like to learn about. 3. Go here: https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search-and-access then search for the 10-K. 4. Alternately go to that company’s website and look in its investor […]

Stim Task 2 (All Info Included)Stim Task 2 (All Info Included)

SCENARIO As a leader in your business, you are responsible for reporting to other stakeholders about the competitive position of your business during its first six quarters. Your report will provide an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing the business. It will also address the competitive position of the business in the marketplace […]

Financial accounting principleFinancial accounting principle

   Case Project Part 1 The case project spans Unit 3, Unit 4, and Unit 5. For the case project, you are to complete a series of “Continuing Problems” from your textbook. Those continuing problems involve a series of business issues related to the Cookie Creations (CC) company progressive narratives in the textbook end-of-chapter resources. […]

discussion week 4discussion week 4

  Students will be able to:  Discover reflective information to analytical skills using data through the FNU library business learning resources.  Reinforce their understanding of business finance components and provide mastery of evaluating the critical issues of the short- and long-range corporate finances.  Instructions  Individual assignment. Go to the FNU library (LIRN) and perform research on an applied case related to Bond […]

Discussion #3Discussion #3

As you can imagine, there is an open question about morality in business ethics. Before you enter this discussion have look at this quick article from Forbes: “Does Morality Matter in Managing Businesses?” Links to an external site. Instructions: So does morality matter in business and who’s morality is relevant or central to the business decision […]