Discipline: Business Finance - Accounting

Discussion 3Discussion 3

  Module 3 Discussion When practicing consultancy, you must develop and maintain relationships with clients to ensure the longevity of the association between the two. Discuss the process of client engagement and the sales pipeline and its importance in consulting work. Lastly, select one scorecard model and discuss its usage and how it works as […]

Response A/BResponse A/B

A ( Patricia ):   Consultancy Relationship Management Relationships are everything in the management consulting business.  The success of a consulting project depends on the ability of the consultant to build trust and rapport with the client.  External consultants need to gain the trust of the client and their team when coming into the client’s […]

Innovative Technology in BusinessInnovative Technology in Business

Task: Student must analyze the case below and answer the following questions accordingly Case Study: Leather Product Company Acquisition Background: You are the owner of a thriving leather product and sales company that has been operating successfully in the B2B market for a decade. Your company has established a strong reputation for producing high-quality leather […]

300 Words- 2300 Words- 2

  Write an executive summary for this article. What are the three most critical issues described in the article? Analyze and discuss in great detail. What are the three most relevant lessons learned from the article? Analyze and discuss in great detail. What are the three most important best practices of this article? Analyze and […]

300 words300 words

  In your initial response, please address the following questions: Which are the three most critical issues observed in this article? Please provide a brief explanation/analysis of each. Which lesson learned from this article made the most impact on you personally? Please explain why. What alignments did you observe between this article and the concepts […]

300 words300 words

please address the following questions: Which are the three most critical issues observed in this article? Please provide a brief explanation/analysis of each. Which lesson learned from this article made the most impact on you personally? Please explain why. What alignments did you observe between this article and the concepts reviewed in this week’s learning […]

assign #3assign #3

  Scenario In a 1950 article for Fortune, journalist and best-selling author William H. Whyte noted “the great enemy of communication, we find, is the illusion of it. We have talked enough; but we have not listened. And by not listening we have failed to concede the immense complexity of our society–and thus the great […]


You are responsible for overseeing a bicycle start-up company. You led this company through its first six quarters, making strategic and tactical decisions to create a successful business in a competitive marketplace. As a leader in your business, you are responsible for reporting to other stakeholders about the performance of your business during its first […]