Discipline: Business Finance - Accounting

Answer the questionAnswer the question

1.  (use attach) Use the framework we have learned in this week and provide a quick analysis on the “free baby grand piano” scam  You may pick and choose any or multiple aspects (for example, the “motivation”, “execution-masquerade”, or the “execution-divest”). to complete your analysis. 2. This week we discussed Cost Management and reviewed a […]

Financial Market Shareholder AnalysisFinancial Market Shareholder Analysis

  Write a 2- to 3-page shareholder analysis in which you address the following: Evaluate economic conditions that influence company performance. Consider political, environmental, currency (money), global economics, and government influences on economic conditions. Compare market conditions from the previous year with the company’s performance for that same year. Conclude how the market conditions that […]

Deliverable 2 – Lease Versus PurchaseDeliverable 2 – Lease Versus Purchase

Scenario Health resources are finite. Therefore, it is incumbent on all health organizations to exercise responsible fiscal decision making when allocating their financial resources. As the senior cost analyst for a local, nonprofit hospital, you are charged with determining the most appropriate use of financial resources and making recommendations. Your organization is seeking to secure […]

Case study 2Case study 2

As indicated on the syllabus, please pick just ANY one (1) of the below articles to summarize in 10 bullet points (6 summing up the topic and 4 for your POV); AND, please find one (1) more to summarize on your own from a variety of sources (The Economist, Financial Times, Bloomberg, CNBC, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, The […]

module 1module 1

  Case Analysis Background Reference: Business Analytics (2e). – James R. Evans. Pearson 2013 – ISBN: 9780132950619. Jamie Drout is interested in perceptions of gender stereotypes within beauty product advertising, which includes soap, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, perfume, cologne, makeup, chemical hair color, razors, skin care, feminine care, and salon services; as well as the […]

Study 2Study 2

SCENARIO: UNMOTIVATED AND BURNT-OUT Alexis closes the door to her office after another employee hands in their resignation. She’s visibly shaken; this is the third employee they’ve lost this month. She knows the job can be hard, but something needs to improve or the organization will start to suffer in a way that can’t be […]