Discipline: Business Finance - Accounting

200 hundred words200 hundred words

   please address the following questions: Which are the three most critical issues observed in this article? Please provide a brief explanation/analysis of each. Which lesson learned from this article made the most impact on you personally? Please explain why. What alignments did you observe between this article and the concepts reviewed in this week’s […]

300 words300 words

https://hbr.org/2013/12/analytics-30   Write an executive summary for this article. What are the three most critical issues described in the article? Analyze and discuss in great detail. What are the three most relevant lessons learned from the article? Analyze and discuss in great detail. What are the three most important best practices of this article? Analyze […]

Response A/BResponse A/B

 Wanda (A)  Martinez et. al (2021) analysis of actual culture management experiences in aims to shed more light on how deeply ingrained ethics are in businesses. To address these complexities and difficulties of establishing a culture in which ethical issues are a frequent component of corporate talks and decision-making, semi-structured interviews were performed in Spain […]


 write a journal response paper. You will review your work journal entries and create a short reflective paper from some of your entries on what you have learned so far and how you have applied that learning. your paper  should include your experiences, observations, and key concepts.  2 – 3 pages  Guide to Keeping a […]

Excel ProjectExcel Project

Help Wanted Using Excel for Aging Accounts Receivable. The Lake Lucerne Company uses the allowance method of estimating bad debt expenses. An aging schedule is prepared in order to calculate the balance in the allowance account. The percentage uncollectible is calculated as follows. 

Answer the questionsAnswer the questions

1.   Why is costing information (for example, the calculation of WIP inventory valuation) important to financial reporting?  Please research and discuss at least one point through the discussion 2. In this week, we discussed the firm’s perspective on security incident handling and introduced NIST’s security Incident Response Life Cycle (IRLC). (Prepare – Discover & Analysis […]

Case Study 2Case Study 2

Only Complete Section 3 (Management) 100 words maximum  Bullet points (structure) Evaluate the business from an investment banker’s (consultant’s) perspective for your financier clients who you hope to retain as clients for future assignments.

ethic issuesethic issues

ethics issues that cause concern Harassment discrimination and accounting practices what can be learned? how might you handle/prevent the issues?). Write out your findings in 2 or 3 pages 

Is Use of Social Media to Manipulate the Market Fraud?Is Use of Social Media to Manipulate the Market Fraud?

   Elon Musk, owner of Tesla, SpaceX, OpenAI, Neuralink, and The Boring Company is well known for his fascination, or shall we call it a love-hate relationship with cryptocurrency. In this rocky relationship, Musk has expressed his love for cryptocurrencies, endorsed them, and then decided they are incongruent with his passion for environmental sustainability. Like […]