Discipline: Business Finance - Accounting


  Wix.com is a web-building platform that you can try for free. Using this site, create a free account and build a basic web page. Be creative and come up with a small business idea that the site would work for. Include pictures, text, and/or other items to make your site professional and attractive for […]


  The Johari window (Interesting that the name “Johari” is actually based on the creators FIRST names – psychologists Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham, back in 1955) is used to help individuals understand each other. Their window is made up of four segments: 1. What is known to me but not to others  2. What […]

answer questionanswer question

Pricing Strategies In this week’s lecture, we discussed several pricing strategies used by various firms to secure source of revenue.  Please observe the strategies that you have seen or experienced.   Have you experienced price discrimination? (base on gender, race, or disabilities?)  pricing gouging?  or other “interesting” pricing strategies?  What is significant about the pricing strategy?  […]

Answer the questionsAnswer the questions

1. Background information of the Rolls Royce 2. Several pricing strategies used by various firms to secure source of revenue.  Please observe the strategies that you have seen or experienced.   Have you experienced price discrimination? (base on gender, race, or disabilities?)  pricing gouging?  or other “interesting” pricing strategies?  What is significant about the pricing strategy? […]

Topic proposalTopic proposal

Hello everyone, Thank you for submitting your topic proposal along with your research! I wanted to give you a heads-up that I would recommend some of you narrow down your topic/thesis and resubmit your topic proposal. The topic will cover one critical incident in the accounting/tax, and students will analyze the incident/case. Thus, it has […]

Case Analysis 3Case Analysis 3

  To complete mini-case 3, pick a company in the media industry that is dealing with the disruption related to online streaming and content delivery.   Paint a background picture of the firm (emphasizing especially the present time), paying particular attention to the disruption it currently faces.   1 – How is the company dealing […]

Discussion 5Discussion 5

 Is there any research suggesting how well the business strategies of innovation and entrepreneurship work? Find two peer-reviewed (preferably research-based) articles addressing this issue, summarize them, and perform an analysis of them. Your initial response should be no more than 2 pages long. Be certain to cite in your analysis and include a bibliography at […]


  Using the KU library find an article that discusses the valuation of intangible assets. Using the FASB Codification as a guide, do you agree or disagree with the author’s assessment of the valuation as it relates to FASB Codification?  Make sure you clearly justify your answer. Be sure to cite your source, you can […]

Case Study 6–19 “West End Boutiques” from Chapter 6 in Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems, pages 197-198Case Study 6–19 “West End Boutiques” from Chapter 6 in Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems, pages 197-198

 Write a 175- to 265-word response to both question 1  and 2 following the case study. Your responses must be in your own  words. In your paper, for Questions #1 and #2 list each of  the six scenarios separately with their corresponding risks and  internal controls to mitigate those risks. For Question #2, do not  summarize internal controls […]