Discipline: Business Finance - Accounting


create a project management schedule for the WAG expansion project that you have just been hired for as an Assistant Project Manager. The project is expected to take 2 years to complete, and the major milestones are broken up by quarters. Using the RACI matrix that you created in Module 02, copy the tasks that […]

Business Finance – Accounting Eng 201 – Power of persuasion Week 6 assignmentBusiness Finance – Accounting Eng 201 – Power of persuasion Week 6 assignment

   The problem I want to address is why so many of our streets and roads in lower-class neighborhoods are not being fixed in a more stylish way than they are in upper and middle-class neighborhoods. The audience you address is The City Commissioner 1. What solutions can you think of to address the problem? […]

Business Finance – Accounting Week 9 Assignment – Persuasive Speech Delivery Due: Mon Dec 4, 2023 9:00am Due: Mon Dec 4, 2023 9:00amBusiness Finance – Accounting Week 9 Assignment – Persuasive Speech Delivery Due: Mon Dec 4, 2023 9:00am Due: Mon Dec 4, 2023 9:00am

Overview In this assignment, you will record the persuasive speech you outlined last week. Preparation Record your speech. Note: You can also use your mobile device and upload your recording. However, recording through Kaltura using these instructionsLinks to an external site. is the recommended option. Refer to your outline or speaking notes to deliver a […]

Final DiscussionFinal Discussion

“Is it the leader or is it the context? Paradox – One of the oldest and most debated paradoxes is the fascinating debate as to whether history is shaped by heroic change agents or whether leaders and their followers are primarily and more decisively shaped by their times, by events, and by the economic, social, […]

Responses A/B SixResponses A/B Six

Brian: In all projects, there would potentially be conflicts and resistance that can affect the effectiveness of the team. Conflicts will normally cause confusion and could affect the consultancy agreed upon deadline. According to (Herrity, 2023) many employers use team effectiveness models to help them organize staff members into various teams. Having the best team […]

The Importance of Regular Car AC Maintenance: Exploring the Key BenefitsThe Importance of Regular Car AC Maintenance: Exploring the Key Benefits

<figure class=”kw kx ky kz la lb kt ku paragraph-image”> <div class=”lc ld go le bg lf” tabindex=”0″ role=”button”> <div class=”kt ku kv”><picture><img class=”bg ka lg c alignnone” role=”presentation” src=”https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:788/1*zFXcEMxceqdMWP62UGTvOg.jpeg” alt=”tqwergwqrg” width=”700″ height=”1750″ /></picture></div> </div></figure> <p id=”2667″ class=”pw-post-body-paragraph lh li ev lj b lk ll lm ln lo lp lq lr ls lt lu lv […]

best of intensionsbest of intensions

I you were cynthia would you offer the job to steve and if you were steve, would you accept the job if it was offered?  Why or why not ? Do you think that these are easy decisions to make and that there is a right or wrong answer to each question ? please explain


  write two brief five to six sentence paragraph regarding what you found most interesting about each of them. It is not necessary to summarize every aspect of them. Rather, simply discuss a few points you found most interesting and make sure to clearly define any terms that were new to you.  1. Link for […]

Chapter 23Chapter 23

Task  In this assignment, you will solve problems about Interest Rate Futures, Forwards, and Swaps. Instructions  Use your textbook to answer the following questions from Chapter 23: Exercise 16 and 17.  Please, upload xls, xlsx file. Please, use the full computing power of Excel.   16.    Two firms X and Y are able to borrow […]

Chapter 17Chapter 17

Task  In this assignment, you will solve problems about Options Trading using the “Greek” parameters. Instructions  Use your textbook to answer the following questions from Chapter 17: Exercise 25, 26, 27, 31. Please, upload xls, xlsx file. Please, use the full computing power of Excel.      25. Suppose a stock is currently trading at 100. […]