Discipline: Business Finance - Accounting

Chapter 14Chapter 14

Task  In this assignment, you will implement the Binomial Model, the Black & Scholes Model.  Instructions  Use your textbook to answer the following questions from Chapter 14: Exercise 14 and 15. Please, upload xls, xlsx file. Please, use the full computing power of Excel. 14.    stock is currently trading at $24.35. Consider call and put […]

Chapter 12Chapter 12

Task  In this assignment, you will solve problems on Binomial Option Pricing.  Instructions  Use your textbook to answer the following questions from Chapter 12: Exercise 16, 17, 18, 19. Please, upload xls, xlsx file. Please, use the full computing power of Excel. 16.  When there are no dividends, the early exercise of an American put […]

Chapter 11Chapter 11

Task  In this assignment, you will solve problems on Binomial Option Pricing.  Instructions  Use your textbook to answer the following questions from Chapter 11: Exercise 9, 10, and 19. Please, upload xls, xlsx file. Please, use the full computing power of Excel. 9.   You are given the following data about options: S = 60, K […]

Chapter 10Chapter 10

Task  In this assignment, you will solve problems on No-arbitrage Restrictions, Early Exercise and Put-Call Parity. Instructions  Use your textbook to answer the following questions from Chapter 10: Exercise 21 and 22. Please, upload xls, xlsx file. Please, use the full computing power of Excel.   21.  stock is trading at S = 50. There […]


Task  In this assignment, you will solve problems on No-arbitrage Restrictions, Early Exercise and Put-Call Parity. Instructions  Use your textbook to answer the following questions from Chapter 9: Exercise 12 and 13. Please, upload xls, xlsx file. Please, use the full computing power of Excel.   12. The current price of a stock is $60. […]


Task  In this assignment, you will solve problems about Payoffs and Trading Strategies.  Instructions  Use your textbook to answer the following question from Chapter 8: Exercise 18 Please, upload xls, xlsx file. Please, use the full computing power of Excel.   18. The options for Microsoft (stock price $25.84) are trading at the following prices: […]

Finance ProjectFinance Project

Please use the attached Excel report to explain the analysis.   The report should be 4 pages long and also include at the beginning a one-page Executive Summary summarizing the results of your analysis and recommendation. Don’t forget to add references to the sources used. So, the possible structure of a report is: Executive Summary […]


  Locate a real-world business issue or solution video in Creativity or Organizational Culture located in Ted Talk Videos (https://www.ted.com/talks). Select a different Ted Talk if you have responded to this question in a previous internship course.  For this discussion: Select a TED Talk video relevant to creativity and/or organizational culture. Describe what information you […]


  Find two ads for management or executive positions (Copy and paste them). What leadership attributes (competencies) are mentioned in these ads? (There are eight [8] listed in Chapter 12). Personality Self-concept Leadership Motivation Drive Integrity Knowledge of the Business Cognitive Intelligence (IQ) and Practical Intelligence Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.) If you were on the selection […]