Discipline: Business Finance - Economics

assign #4assign #4

  In your role as a consultant for Workplace Solutions Consulting, you are typically working at customer sites and from a home office when not on travel. You take advantage of technology to stay connected to your team and management to keep current on your project and developments at company headquarters. We have initially explored […]


  Let’s assume there are only 2 countries that produce 2 good.  More specifically, suppose that the United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) each have 2 units of productive resources, 1 used to produce Wine, the other Cloth.  The US can produce 40 units of Wine with 1 unit of productive resources and […]

opic: Write a report of up to 1500 words (excluding references), consisting of three tasksopic: Write a report of up to 1500 words (excluding references), consisting of three tasks

Topic: Write a report of up to 1500 words (excluding references), consisting of three tasks: 1. Select a country and provide a brief overview of its recent international trade with two of its trade partners, including data and graphs. 2. Provide a theoretical grounding for the observed trade patterns using the theories developed in the […]


Describe a situation where a central bank would want to implement expansionary monetary policy. Describe a situation where a central bank would want to implement contractionary monetary policy. 150 words or more

Ethics and Contemporary issuesEthics and Contemporary issues

To this point in the class we have focused on the study of ethics from ancient times through the Enlightenment period, and in upcoming lessons we will continue with this historical approach into modern times. This week, however, you will begin working on a multistep assignment that will focus on a contemporary ethical issue, and […]