Discipline: Business Finance - Economics

dis #1dis #1

  Most Americans share the same values, but most also think people on the other side of the political spectrum do not share those same values.  Read this article and respond to all of the following questions using complete sentences:  https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2023-06-14/democrats-and-republicans-share-core-values-but-still-distrust-each-other Label your paragraphs with 1, 2 and 3 to make it easier for me […]

Consumer behaviorConsumer behavior

 a college student has just purchased a new ipad . What factor might cause the student to experience post purchase dissonance ? How might the student try to overcome it? How can the retailer who sold the computer help reduce the student’s dissonance?How can the manufacture help? 

dis #2dis #2

  Watch this video, featuring a news report on workers, the union and COVID concerns at the FCA Chrysler plant in Sterling Heights, Michigan: Click Here For The Video  Workers return to automotive plants across US (usatoday.com)  Links to an external site..  Then reply to this discussion to answer the following questions: FIRST Post: 150 […]


  Your next meeting with Informational Systems is with senior leadership. You give them an update on your progress and thank them for their support of the project. They ask you what you think about their corporate culture. Some members of the leadership group think that things are just fine, while others believe that the […]

Discussion MacroeconomicsDiscussion Macroeconomics

Find a price control that is, has been, or could be enacted in the real world, Then explain the potential benefits and drawbacks of that control. A goal of this prompt is to see both sides of an argument, so please come up with at least one argument for and against said price control. For […]

Final MilestoneFinal Milestone

I’ve attached a final milestone template for everyone to use! The template follows the final rubric and is already formatted with the headings, font, and other formatting items. The final paper help document pulls all the information from the rubric and directions together. You can use this information to tweak any information from your other […]


  A worksheet is provided for this assignment and is to be used as an OUTLINE ONLY to help you write your goals.  Your goals should be written in narrative form listing your goals and your plans for achieving them.  You should also indicate things like dates, how you will know if you are on target or meeting the individual […]


A company is considering the possibility of moving its manufacturing plant and administrative offices from a small city in the American Midwest to another of similar size in the South. Approximately 20 percent of the city’s residents are employed by the company, and many others are employed in businesses such as banks, personal services, restaurants, […]