Discipline: Business Finance - Economics

Discussion 6Discussion 6

The insurance system has benefits and drawbacks for patients, providers (physicians), and insurance companies. Identify at least one benefit and one drawback for each of these stakeholders. Explain how insurance benefits/hinders each stakeholder. How does the demand theory apply to the relationship between each stakeholder and the insurance industry? Does insurance impact the quality of […]

For Kris or VeryThoroughFor Kris or VeryThorough

Discussion 2 Corporate Social Responsibility Using the information covered in Chapter 3 of your textbook, briefly define corporate social responsibility (CSR). Then, find a current activity in the past 1-2 years in which the company you selected from the approved company list went above and beyond to demonstrate CSR or where they may have sorely […]

assign 5assign 5

  PART 1: PowerPoint Submission: For this assignment you will create and upload a PowerPoint presentation using the class PowerPoint template attached here: BA156 PowerPoint Template Actions For Assignment 5, you will research any persuasive business topic that you choose and then create a PowerPoint presentation on that topic.  Your audience will be the business […]


  A. PART A – create a post to reply to question 1 and 2: Go to this website: LinkLinks to an external site. (http://www.mouseprint.org/2016/08/22/lowes-pulls-misleading-tv-ad-after-we-cry-foul/Links to an external site.).  Watch the short Lowe’s video commercial.  Then scroll down and look at the two Lowe’s print ads, and read what happened with their advertising.  1. Did you find the […]

case study #3case study #3

  Case Study #3 – “Reviewing: Employment Law” Aligns to SLO 4 Note – The Case Study must contain and be based upon legal definitions and not personal opinions.  Stated facts or legal definitions without references will not count.  In this Case Study, you must reference the e-text chapter for each of your definitions or […]

Milestone 2Milestone 2

Your milestone two is due this week.  Now that you’ve introduced your facility you’re going to go in and analyze several elements. This milestone is the hardest of them all. This Milestone is a GENERAL discussion of all the topics. Please discuss the topics as to how they relate to healthcare in general and have […]

SWOT AnalysisSWOT Analysis

For our class, you will be utilizing the SWOT to analyze an economic legislative change.  The link in your readings is one of the best resources that I have found to help you with this project. Do Not use the American Healthcare Act [the ACA/Obama care etc.] for this assignment. The ACA is our healthcare […]

rough draftrough draft

   3-4-page executive brief that addresses the following merger-related items: Recommend a relevant HR trend or practice that would be useful to consider as part of this merger. Justify your recommendation. Analyze HR’s primary role(s) as a strategic corporate partner in merging the workforces of the organizations. Recommend an HRM model that would effectively steer […]

Discussion 3Discussion 3

  Do you know that March 20 is International Day of Happiness? Let’s try to find happiness in the global landscape. The annual World Happiest Report has just released the rank of the country happiness. Originally launched in 2012, it is an annual survey by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network for the United Nations. It looks at the […]