Discipline: Business Finance - Economics


   Introduction This  assignment continues with the scenario from the Week 3 assignment. You  will explain how goal setting and feedback are used to motivate a team. A  goal is a desired result that you envision for your team and  organizational success. Goal-setting helps you break down the things you  want to achieve into more […]

discussion 4discussion 4

Based on the article for this week, please name 2 things from the article that stuck out to you. Please include the following in your online post: The first area that stood out to you, why it stood out and why that information is important in project management. The second area that stood out to […]


  This assignment can be found in Google Docs: Computer Applications for Managers Assignment: Create Macro for Car Loan SpreadsheetLinks to an external site. To make your own copy to edit: If you want a Google Doc: in the file menu of the open document, click “Make a copy.” This will give you your own Google […]

dis #4dis #4

  Discussion 4 – Persuasive Speaking Aligns to SLO 3 Watch the following video, “Sample Persuasive Presentation” (9:11 mins; cc): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuC91OLRjlULinks to an external site. Then, reply to the Discussion to answer the following: IMPORTANT: You must FIRST create a post to reply to question 1 and question 2.  After you have replied to question 1 […]

business reportbusiness report

  Retailers are becoming increasingly aware of how charitable contributions to local communities and non-profit organizations can impact customer buy-in and loyalty to the company. The general manager at your work has asked you to research a possible community service opportunity for this class or your workplace. Some examples include reading to children at a […]

tarea 1tarea 1

addressing the Process Management elements that should be considered for inclusion in your Project Quality Plan for the Naturalia™ company. The company is a leader in healthy foods and needs to consolidate its operations in a building that includes the production area and the company headquarters.

case study martin Luther King Jrcase study martin Luther King Jr

  Case studies should be substantive, interacting with what you have learned and answering the questions from the perspectives of the principles and concepts from the assigned readings. Your essayyyyyy should include the following format:  Identify the person or company of focus, explaining their context and why this case is important to study. Share why […]

BA 2200BA 2200

  Do you operate on a personal financial budget? If so, what is the hardest part of staying on track with your budget? What suggestions can you share with the group about how you overcome budgeting obstacles?