Discipline: Business Finance - Economics


Pick a product that you consume on a regular basis. Using the Supply and Demand Model analyze the change in price and quantity that can occur. What are somethings that might shift demand for that product? What are things that might shift supply of that product? How has recent events influenced the supply and demand […]


Discuss how economics impacts your own life. After going through chapter 1 and the author’s 10 Principles of Economics, give an example or two of how you might apply these principles to your own life and your own decision making. Think about: What are some trade offs you have had to make? What has been […]

Research Paper ConlcusionResearch Paper Conlcusion

Please create a 13 page conclusion  Use ch 5 guidelines for conclusion , read  all other documents attached to create the conclusion its important to mention on the conclusion: I am sure my results are underestimated because I didn’t took into account all the illegal immigrants that work in the senior care sector 

Principles of MicroeconomicsPrinciples of Microeconomics

Is there anyone that can assist me with these questions?    Critical Thinking Questions: What are some reasons people might find acquiring information about politics and voting rational, in contrast to rational ignorance theory? 2.  What are some possible ways to encourage voter participation and overcome rational ignorance? 3.  Given that rational ignorance discourages some […]

Discussion PostDiscussion Post

  Landing the Plane Will there be a global economic crisis in a world of significant uncertainty?  Please review the article from Goldman Sachs, Landing the Plane. Where are we headed the next few years of uncertainty and risks?  What are the five greatest current global economic challenges?  How will they affect the US economy?  Include […]