Discipline: Business Finance - Economics


Legal liability of the hospital entity, physician provider (MD or DO), and the Clinical Risk Manage vs. the ethical responsibility of a hospital entity, physician provider (MD or DO), and the Clinical Risk Manager.  The research paper should be in APA format, 12 point font, double spaced, and 8-12 pages (reference and cover pages do not count toward […]

Discussion PostDiscussion Post

   Game Theory Chapter 15 explicitly discusses the theme behind the game theory.  Please discuss the principles associated with this theory, as well as, how the classical game theory can be contained.  Does the game theory in your opinion support the corporate’s strategy? When should the prisoner dilemma be used?  Include a minimum of one […]

need someone good expert in statistics and probability and researchneed someone good expert in statistics and probability and research

Visualize: Include and describe your bar chart and initial perceptions of outcomes. Analyze: Provide a summary of your conclusions based on the four population proportion tests, a two-sample proportion test, and test for independence (refer to Chapter 5.2 in TSIY). Begin with the statement of Ho and Ha and whether it is an upper-, lower-, […]

ECON Week 5ECON Week 5

  Discussion Questions: The Fed and Monetary Policy Monetary policy is the action taken by the Federal Reserve to expand or contract the money supply and influence interest rates. What are the current unemployment and inflation rates? How has the Fed redefined its targets for inflation and unemployment, and how do current conditions compare to […]

Stock Market EquilibriumStock Market Equilibrium

The stock market is a vary visible example of how ‘market prices’ change as events in the world change. Steps: 1.) Pick a company that is of interest to you, and then Google ‘What is the price of (stock name)’.  2.) What is the price today? Expand the graph to show 6 months, 1 year, […]

Sales Team Metrics AnalysisSales Team Metrics Analysis

     Sales   operations at Stripe requires a baseline of analytical skills, and it is also   critical that we are able to explain complex concepts to a variety of   audiences. This test is structured so that someone with the baseline skills   needed to succeed in the role should be able to complete this in under 4   hours […]