Discipline: Business Finance - Economics

Discussion QuestionsDiscussion Questions

1.  Define economics and explain why it is an important field of study. Give two examples 2.  Differentiate between micro and macroeconomics. Give 2 real-life scenarios 3. Define inflation. What are its main causes? Give at least 2 examples  4. What are the main tools of monetary policy? Give examples.  5. Define exchange rates and […]

discussion questiondiscussion question

 Initial Post: Please write a few sentences describing a situation where you, someone you know, or someone fictitious has used their problem solving or agility skills to increase their human capital in order to get a better job or earn more income. 

rough draftrough draft

  Develop an operations plan that is 1-2 pages in length and includes at least two quality academic resources in which you: Propose a strategy that medical providers and public health agencies should include in a response plan that combines the efforts of both groups. Outline a strategy for the practice that demonstrates how communication […]

8-1 Activity: Interdisciplinary Roles8-1 Activity: Interdisciplinary Roles

Read rubric verbatim Reading: Global Health Care: Issues and Policies, Chapter 18    Textbook link: https://bncvirtual.com/vb_econtent.php?ACTION=econtent&FVENCKEY=AD9EE8D798DCAFC7E76B5FB7C978DD86&j=43766531&sfmc_sub=1597096465&l=23329524_HTML&u=695880241&mid=524003857&jb=40753&utm_term=10242022&utm_source=transactional&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Direct_Ebooks What to Submit Your short paper must be a 2- to 3-page Word document, not including the title page and references. It must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. […]

Macro EconomicMacro Economic

  Please answer the following questions regarding markets and consumer surplus. You are expected to complete all parts of the question below.I also include a bonus point you can get if you like it, but don’t feel the need to complete it. You can upload the graph to the corresponding test written section. You may […]

1. Use the data set MROZ.txt to do the following regressions. To read the data set into R, you may use the read.table command, such as: data <- read.table("MROZ.txt")1. Use the data set MROZ.txt to do the following regressions. To read the data set into R, you may use the read.table command, such as: data <- read.table("MROZ.txt")

(a) Run an OLS regression of logarithm wage (lwage) on years of schooling (educ), i.e., lwagei = α + βeduci + ui. Use a sentence to interpret βˆOLS. (b) Use ivreg command to run a Two Stage Least Squares (2SLS) regression. Use father’s years of schooling (fatheduc) as the instrument variable. Use a sentence to […]


 I think a good example of a learning experience where I gained a more complex understanding is when I took Applied Computer Technology.  The best way for me to explain my reflective learning through this class would be through Kolb’s Abstract Conceptualization.  Going into the class, I had my beliefs about the programs within Microsoft, […]


  Final Paper – Reflection Paper Criteria: Identify what you have learned from the class and how you are applying the skills in the workplace. Title Page 2-page paper APA format BA 118 retail management class

dsi #6dsi #6

  Instructions This posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs. Word totals for this post should be in the 100–200-word range. Whether you agree or disagree, explain why with supporting evidence and concepts from the readings or a related experience. Include a reference, link, or citation when […]