Discipline: Business Finance - Economics

Problem Set 1Problem Set 1

  All Problem Sets should be submitted to this page by the posted due date and time. Additionally, submissions MUST adhere to the following guidelines: All submissions should be typed (including math equations) and sent in a PDF file. Assignments should be professionally presented. Your name should appear at the top of each page as […]

Week 1Week 1

1.Opportunity Costs What do economists mean by “opportunity cost?”  What are your opportunity costs in taking this course? 2.Demand v. Quantity Demanded What is the difference between a decline in the quantity demanded and a decline in demand? Give an example of something that you now buy less of. Is it an example of a […]

Bundled PricingBundled Pricing

Instructions Step 1  Prepare the date – Replace all bundle prices (highlighted in YELLOW) on the Analysis tab of the working sheet — “Bundling – PSet1 – Part 2” — by following these steps: Go to WTP tab and look for the row with total willingness to pay for each bundle (row 103, Bundle WTP). Add a new sheet/tab and use Excel’s […]


You are tasked with the responsibility of writing a 1-2 page position paper  on the subject: Should We Permit A Market In The Selling and Buying Human Kidneys? To aid in the completion of the task, you are required to read and digest a classis argument in favor of such a market that was advanced […]

Economics AssignmentEconomics Assignment

  Please analyze and contrast the Introduction and Literature Review of the articles below. ·  Briggeman, J. (2013). Paul Krugman. Econ Journal Watch, 10(3), 400–410. ·  What’s Wrong with Economics: A Discussion Between Paul Krugman and Jeff Madrick. (2015). Challenge (05775132), 58(2), 112–134. ·  Cochrane, J. H. (2011). How Did Paul Krugman Get It so Wrong? Economic Affairs, 31(2), 36–40. You […]

Economics Discussion PostEconomics Discussion Post

 Every decision has an Opportunity Cost due to the nature of scarcity, there is always a better alternative not chosen, therefore, there is always an opportunity cost. “The opportunity cost of an alternative is what you give up to pursue it” (Froeb, McCann,Shor & Ward, 2016). When you go to a Maroon 5 concert, you […]