Discipline: Business Finance - Economics

final paperfinal paper

  For your final paper, I would like for you to choose a leader that you know, write up 5-10 questions, and interview him or her about his or her experience as a leader. ( Do not choose a celebrity, a historical figure or yourself. Interview a real person you know.) Then write your final […]


  Our State and National Leaders Leadership on display from our state and national leaders. How have you seen leadership on display during our current events.  What has impressed you? What has disappointed you?

Financial StatementsFinancial Statements

 Address all of the question prompts below. Support your responses with appropriate evidence from your course textbook and/or credible information from the Internet. Your paper should be between 2 and 3 pages long, excluding the title page and references page.  Tasks: List each of the key financial statements and identify the kinds of information they […]

assign #3assign #3

  Feedback – giving and receiving – is a critical skill for any leader. You must be able to give feedback to others and you must seek out feedback about yourself and your performance in order to grow and remain effective. Assignment #3 has 3 parts. Part 1: Read these two articles       http://www.cambridge.org/elt/blog/2014/03/five-reasons-feedback-may-important-skill/ https://www.elevatecorporatetraining.com.au/2019/11/27/11-advantages-of-developing-a-culture-of-feedback-in-your-teams/Links […]


  Part 1. What can you do this week to enhance your power? There are a number of ideas in the chapter. Pick one that you would like to try out. Post your plans to this discussion board and then go and do it. Part 2. Step two is to reply (a second post linked […]

assign #1assign #1

  Approximately 2 pages In order to lead others, it is critical that you learn self management. If you cannot lead yourself, how do you expect to lead others? For this assignment, take some time to reflect on who you are and how you have become the person you are today. How are you a […]

dis #3dis #3

  This posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs. Word totals for this post should be in the 100–200-word range. Whether you agree or disagree, explain why with supporting evidence and concepts from the readings or a related experience. Include a reference, link, or citation when appropriate. […]


 In response to two peers, address the following: Compare your analysis of the case to your peers’ viewpoints. In places where you disagree, offer a competing understanding of where the priorities lie. In areas where you agree, add additional evidence to support the consensus. Compare your disciplinary perspective to that of your peers. If you […]