Discipline: Business Finance - Economics


  In response to two peers, address the following: Compare your analysis of the case to your peers’ viewpoints. In places where you disagree, offer a competing understanding of where the priorities lie. In areas where you agree, add additional evidence to support the consensus. Compare your disciplinary perspective to that of your peers. If […]

Project 5Project 5

Option 1 is traveling to Zambia to address the health challenge of malaria within that country. Your attention was drawn to this health issue after reading the scholarly article, Modeling Malaria Reduction.  ** Follow rubric verbatim  Reading: Global Health Care: Issues and Policies, Chapters 10 and 11  What to Submit Your short paper must be […]

Discussion 5Discussion 5

 Scenario: Cardiovascular and Infectious Diseases From a Sudanese Lens Baruti is a 67-year-old farmer from Sudan. He has been migrating to other farming communities over the last few years. He has reported a family history of coronary vascular disease, with most males in his family dying in their 40s and 50s. Since last week, he […]

ethics and data analysis paperethics and data analysis paper

  Choose a topic on data governance/privacy that has an ethical dilemma (a non-comprehensive list has been provided below). Take a position in favor or against the topic/company you chose. Provide both quantitative and qualitative information to support your position, including ample sources from your research. 2. Propose a solution to the ethical dilemma. This […]

William Greene – Econometric Analysis 8th. Chapter 6, Application 1 and 3 on STATAWilliam Greene – Econometric Analysis 8th. Chapter 6, Application 1 and 3 on STATA

Hi all. Is anyone have the STATA result for William Greene – Econometric Analysis 8th. Chapter 6, Application for 1 and 3. Example. In application 1 in chapter 3 and application 1 in chapter 5, we examined Koop and tobias’s data on wages, education, ability, and so on. We continue the analysis here. (the source, […]


The importance of knowledge, innovation and ongoing technological changes linked to the advent of information and communication technologies (ICT) have engendered intense public discussions over the past few years. In particular, there is increasing awareness of the fact that these elements strongly determine the way our economies and societies keep pace with and remain competitive […]

Finance and EconomicsFinance and Economics

Conduct a financial analysis using the three scenarios provided in the Excel Assignment Workbook. These are not based on your project but will help you learn the process. Complete the following: Ratio Analyses Worksheets: Open your Excel Assignment Workbook. This assignment will be completed on 3 separate tabs named: W8A5a Expense Forecasting W8A5b Breakeven Analysis W8A5c Marginal […]