Discipline: Business Finance - Economics


  You are going to choose 5 of the movies, dances, or video clips that most affected you from  this course, and write a full descriptive paragraph about each one. Note: you can choose video clips from the Modules, as well as videos your classmates posted in their Discussion question answers.  Describe what caught your […]

extra creditextra credit

  Pick any dance movie, youtube clip, music video, commercial, etc. etc. and write a paper following the guidelines given below.  Then, pick 2-3 moments from each dance that really stood out in your memory. Usually they will be pivotal moments in each dance that created the overall effect of the dance to you as […]

chapter 12 dancechapter 12 dance

  Name a teacher in your life (they do not have to be a dance teacher) who has been influential, and explain how and why they influenced your life. (3 points) Discuss why one of the teachers or dance education programs featured in this Lesson’s video’s may have been successful. (2 points)

chapter eleven dancechapter eleven dance

  Some people feel that choreography should be able to stand on its own and does not necessarily need lighting, costumes, and set and scenery design to be effective.  Do you think these elements are important to a dance? And why? (2 points) Pick a dance, commercial, or movie scene containing dance on Youtube and […]

ch 17 assignch 17 assign

  Ch.17 Assignment – IMC Evaluation Companies Chapter 17, Question 17-11 Instructions: After reading chapter 17, review question 17-11 at the end of the chapter. Submit a 1.5-2 page paper, double-spaced, 1″ margins, using Times New Roman Font, to address question 17-11.  You do not need a header, simply include your first and last name, […]

assign #5assign #5

  Scenario As the lead consultant for Workplace Solutions Consulting, you are the one to deliver recommendations for organizational change to the management of Informational Systems. Some of the ideas involve centralizing some duplicated administration functions in regional locations and others involve de-centralizing product departments to break down silo walls across locations. You collected significant […]

final projectfinal project

  For college writing, originality is a critical component. When you carry out a piece of academic work, you will be expected to research your subject thoroughly. It will be necessary for you to show an understanding of the contributions of other researchers and practitioners to your field of study. Keep in mind that plagiarism […]


 In response to two peers, address the following: Compare your analysis of the case to your peers’ viewpoints. In places where you disagree, offer a competing understanding of where the priorities lie. In areas where you agree, add additional evidence to support the consensus. Compare your disciplinary perspective to that of your peers. If you […]

4-2 Project Preparation: Ethnographic Analysis4-2 Project Preparation: Ethnographic Analysis

Read rubric verbatim Reading: Global Health Care: Issues and Policies, Chapters 19, 20, and 21  Textbook link: https://bncvirtual.com/vb_econtent.php?ACTION=econtent&FVENCKEY=AD9EE8D798DCAFC7E76B5FB7C978DD86&j=43766531&sfmc_sub=1597096465&l=23329524_HTML&u=695880241&mid=524003857&jb=40753&utm_term=10242022&utm_source=transactional&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Direct_Ebooks ***Please read Article:  https://academic-oup-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/emph/article/2020/1/12/5678785?login=true&token=eyJhbGciOiJub25lIn0.eyJleHAiOjE2OTk2NTEyNjQsImp0aSI6ImQ5ZGVmMjViLWJlYzItNGU1My04ZGY3LThjMzFkMDUxM2FjNSJ9.  What to Submit Your short paper must be a 2- to 3-page Word document, not including the title page and references. It must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times […]

Discussion 4Discussion 4

 Scenario: Health Challenges Across the Afghan Lifespan Abrisham, a fourteen-year-old pregnant teen, has fled from her hometown in Farah province to a tent city 300 kilometers away due to intensified fighting. She has traveled with her two siblings, three- and nine-year-old boys, along with her forty-year-old mother, Farida, and sixty-year-old father, Yasif. The local health […]