Discipline: Business & Finance - Financial markets


Refer to research question and hypothesis. identify which research design you would use and state why (provide rationale)

300 Words300 Words

  Write an executive summary for this article. What are the three most critical issues described in the article? Analyze and discuss in great detail. What are the three most relevant lessons learned from the article? Analyze and discuss in great detail. What are the three most important best practices of this article? Analyze and […]

Financial Reporting (Financial Reporting (

  The team has to source the financial statements of a company for two years in a row and conduct a professional-like firm analysis. The company can be either a listed firm or a privately-held corporation (unlisted).   The team must write a report on a Word document about the net income statement & the […]

Finance Project ReportFinance Project Report

Country Investment Analysis Report: VIETNAM.   1-) Financial Market Performance, Future Outlook and Investment Opportunities: Analyze the present and historical performance of your country’s financial markets both equity and debt markets. While considering its performance, be sure to also take into account risk. What are the near future performance prospects? Which sectors or companies provide […]

Excel StockExcel Stock

  BACKGROUND You have an imaginary $100,000 to play the stock market. Your stock package will include 5 stocks chosen from the NYSE or NASDAQ using the closing price on the date outline on your course schedule (November 1 after 4pm). INSTRUCTIONS Go to the YAHOO Finance website and create a portfolio of your stocks. […]