Discipline: Business & Finance - Marketing


  Assignment Choose a company from the list below and do a SWOT analysis. Be sure to broadly consider the company’s own strengths and weaknesses. Opportunities and threats will pertain to the factors impacting the company from the external environment; consider things like legal, technological, competitive, environmental, social, economic, political. Critically analyze all 4 of […]

Course Project Phase II -The Discrepancy in the Environmental Impact of Tesla’s Electric Vehicles(BUS5250 Bus Analytics & Research Methods)Course Project Phase II -The Discrepancy in the Environmental Impact of Tesla’s Electric Vehicles(BUS5250 Bus Analytics & Research Methods)

  Course Project Phase II          Due  Saturday by 11:59pm   Project Recap: Business-Related Research Proposal This is the concluding project for this Graduate Business Analytics  and Research Methods course. It offers students the opportunity to show  mastery of all key elements of Research Design, Research Methods,  Analytics, and mastery of designing and executing a business-related […]

Marketing mix projectMarketing mix project

Please take the time to read and re-read these instructions for your final project. There are 20 points in the grading rubric for following instructions. There are another 20 points spelling, grammar, and for having at least three references, citing all of your references and having references for all of your citations and APA formatting. Please […]

help with discussionhelp with discussion

One marketing experiment discovers that people tend to eat more ice cream if it is labeled “Low Fat.” Do you have any experiences of feeling less guilty about consuming more because of a label (low-fat, meatless, organic, etc.)? (5-8 sentences) Answer 2 classmate replies without using the words “I agree”: (3-5 sentences) Classmate 1: I […]

Marketing JournalMarketing Journal

In this assignment you are asked to author a self-reflexive journal about how the culture you are immersed in affects you. This requires you to examine your daily routines in a new light, adopting the point of view of a foreigner for whom many of your actions and words would be puzzling. As you live […]