Discipline: Business & Finance - Marketing

Unit DiscussionsUnit Discussions

   Week 4 Discussion (PHB300 Introduction to Biostatistics) Choose a public health issue and a disease connected to the issue and briefly design a research study based on other research studies you are using as examples. Include your hypothesis and null hypothesis. Inform us about whether you have a Type 1 or 2 error and […]

tech com 4tech com 4

    From media, personal experience, or the Internet, identify an example of each of the following sources of distortion (faulty causal and/or statistical inference) for the following: a. A study with questionable sponsorship or motives b. Reliance on insufficient evidence/hasty generalization c. Unbalanced or biased presentation d. Unexamined assumptions e. Faulty causal reasoning

discussion question mktdiscussion question mkt

  For our final discussion:  How can you apply what you have learned in this course to your personal, professional, and academic life? Considering this course, what do you want to learn more about to improve your preparation for future career opportunities?(e.g., where did you struggle, where do you want to improve?)

discussion question 10 mktdiscussion question 10 mkt

  When conducting a review on any business, the first thing that needs to be completed is a SWOT Analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). This analysis helps a business know where they excel, what they need to work on, what they can take advantage of, and any threats they need to prepare for. With […]

help with discussionhelp with discussion

Businesses collect a wide range of data to customize advertising. What do you think about businesses collecting data about you? If you do not feel entirely comfortable, what can businesses do to make you feel more at ease about sharing your data? No specific amount of words, just write as little or as much as […]

help with discussionhelp with discussion

Sometimes, marketing fails like Starbucks in Australia. It is important to solve the right question for marketing research to prevent marketing failures. Do you know of any other cases of marketing failures? How would you do differently if you were in charge? No amount of words just write as little or much as you can. […]

help with discussionhelp with discussion

As a marketer, you will face many marketing challenges and develop solutions. Marketing research helps you test if your solution works. In this project, develop a solution for a marketing problem of a brand you are familiar with – and think of a research plan for checking whether your solution works. What is your favorite […]

Strategic Marketing – Week 1Strategic Marketing – Week 1

Please see below for the instructions. There is an attachment, the attachment is the company information this assignment is in regard to, Gale’s Green Barn.  1-2 pages max, with one reference. This is needed by Tonight September 2 or by 8 am September 3 -8am (CST Central Standard Time/US) The environment in which consumers make […]

week 3week 3

  Using the same organization selected in Week 1 “EURO CAR” for the course, address the following: Summarize the key product/service offered by your organization, including the role of the customer service department or direct service required to make a sale to the customer. Create and defend a diagram or flowchart detailing the service delivery […]