Discipline: Business & Finance - Marketing


Read Case 2: Adapting to the Internet of Things (Page 433) from your textbook and provide answers to the 4 questions associated with the case. Your responses must be detailed and you should support your answers with information provided in the case and if needed, additional information from the Internet (company website, trade publications etc and cite […]

product selectonproduct selecton

My product is on Adidas  in 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times  New Roman font, one-inch margins, and sources cited in APA format. must include 2 resources  I have included an example for you to look at and follow answer the following  Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: […]

question 3question 3

in 150-200 awnser the following use references if needed>> Create your own “definition” of strategic alliance. Explain how you  decided on what should and should not be included as part of your  definition.

question 2question 2

in 200-250 words with refs answer the following: Search for articles related to the industry and sport consumer.  Provide one example that demonstrates the uniqueness of sport marketing and explain why. Which of the three ways—(1) Learn, Feel, Do; (2) Feel, Do, Learn; or (3)  Do, Feel, and Learn—do you use in your consumption of […]

Business AnalystBusiness Analyst

Write a paper on: Increasing Enrollment for Lenoir Community College for Incoming and Returning Students.  school link: https://www.nccommunitycolleges.edu/analytics/dashboards https://www.lenoircc.edu/ Paper must consist of the PROBLEM DEFINITION and APPROACH & METHODOLOGY  3 pages, diagrams should be included. 


Assignment Instructions Choose one retail store to visit and write a full report following the template provided below. Before you get started, note the following: The Store: It must be a retail store from one of the following segments – fashion (apparel/shoes), home (furniture/home goods), or beauty (cosmetics/make-up). Choosing a store you haven’t visited before […]

Business AnalystBusiness Analyst

Your article for this week is about health care simulation: Benneyan, James C. “An introduction to using computer simulation in healthcare: patient wait case study.” J Soc Health Syst 5, no. 3 (1997): 1-15.   https://www.researchgate.net/publication/14175737_An_introduction_to_using_computer_simulation_in_healthcare_Patient_wait_case_study A summary of the about article. 300 words