Discipline: Business & Finance - Marketing

Business & Finance – Marketing Assignment 2: Market Segmentation Memo: Marketing Principles 310. Urgent AssignmentBusiness & Finance – Marketing Assignment 2: Market Segmentation Memo: Marketing Principles 310. Urgent Assignment

 Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to apply segmentation and targeting techniques to potential new subsets for a marketing campaign. This connects to course learning outcomes of constructing market segments of target customers for a product or service.  Assignment Task Overview For this assignment, you will assume the role of a marketing analyst. Your consulting firm […]


  Complete the following for your marketing plan: Justify the pricing strategy you will employ. Perform a breakeven analysis to determine how many customers you will need to make your business financially viable. Defend your distribution strategy. Determine if there are additional channels you should pursue and why. Justify your integrated marketing communications plan. Discuss […]


 Pricing Strategies Assume you are the marketing manager for a local cable company. You have some direct competitors including AT&T U-verse and the Dish Network. Using the six steps outlined in your textbook for setting a pricing policy, prepare a report for your Vice President on your suggested pricing strategy for your service. Be sure […]


  Select a Web site for a brand to which you are loyal. Describe the message the Web site conveys about its brand. Is it consistent with the brand’s message in traditional media’s advertisements? How? Did you learn anything new about the brand and its history by visiting the Web site? How does the Web […]

How Cenforce 150 mg affect ED?How Cenforce 150 mg affect ED?

  The motion of Cenforce 150 mg may be affected when used with antifungal remedies like itraconazole or ketoconazole or HIV protease inhibitors like fosamprenavir or ritonavir macrolide antibiotics clarithromycin, clindamycin, or rifampin. The blood stress may additionally decrease seriously in case you are on beta blockers like doxazosin or tamsulosin to treat high blood […]

Unit VII Scholarly ActivityUnit VII Scholarly Activity

For this assignment, you will read an article and answer a series of questions concerning the ethics and moral responsibilities involved with a controversial marketing strategy. Begin by researching the CSU Online Library to find an article about marketing to vulnerable populations, stealth or undercover marketing, ambush marketing, or E-lining. The article you choose must […]

Strategic MarketingStrategic Marketing

1. Need to select a product which should be new, not the existing one or we can make some modifications or add some features to the existing one. 2. Research needs to be done for the new product in the market so that we can know about the need and demand for the new one. […]

Business & Finance – Marketing marketing assignmentBusiness & Finance – Marketing marketing assignment

Assignment Content Final Written Assignment  BA 522 December 2023  Prof Alexandra Aaron  Paper brief:  Taking a selected company (BtoC or BtoB), students will analyze the international marketing strategy the company uses when adjusting its products or services to the different international markets where it operates. The student must then identify one new country where the […]

Marketing Principles 310Marketing Principles 310

 There are three discussion topics. Choose any two topics.    TOPIC 1: AMA Definition of Marketing PROMPT:  Discuss at least three components of the AMA marketing definition (creating, communicating, delivery, exchanging) that are affected by the free choice of consumers.     TOPIC 2: Societal Influences  PROMPT: Reflect on how the “prepared meals” industry demonstrates societal influences. How are traditional food service industries (such as […]