Discipline: Business & Finance - Marketing

Research for your Argument Paper Electric and Hybrid Electric Cars and VehiclesResearch for your Argument Paper Electric and Hybrid Electric Cars and Vehicles

Write a detailed three paragraph response (about 300-350 words) to the two articles that you have researched about your chosen topic. Use specific details from your opposing perspective articles when summarizing their main ideas.  What is each author’s central opinion on the issue? Identify at least three main supporting details each author uses to support […]

Prepare a business pitch for your business idea in the UAE marketPrepare a business pitch for your business idea in the UAE market

The presentation must: 1. Clearly identify the product/service 2. Clearly identify the team and business structure 3. Include analysis Market analysis (who will buy it, geography, demographic segmentation) Industry analysis (e.g. where do you sit in supply chain, who are your partners/competitors/etc.) Competitor analysis (how are you different/better than competitors) PEST(LEE) analysis 4. Identify costs […]


  Students are required to write a literature review (12-14 pages) by analyzing the literature on one of the leadership styles, theories and approaches discussed in this course. A literature review surveys books, scholarly articles, and any other sources relevant to a particular issue, area of research, or theory, and by so doing, provides a […]

DB 7DB 7

  This week, our readings/viewings focus on the final four steps of the strategic planning process, and also on how to measure the performance of the strategic plan, so we can see if we have really reached the goals we set out to accomplish.    Your job this week is to find a strategic plan […]

write a 2000 wordswrite a 2000 words

Write a 2000-word paper explaining what kind of exercise would you propose to a group of company executives to foster innovation in their departments while working as a team. See an example by watching the video on: http://uxmag.com/design/problems-with-innovation-workshops. The exercise will be demonstrated in class. Minimum Requirements: 2000 words. PowerPoint slides needed to present the […]


  Overview You will complete your operations plan by developing Part 4, which addresses legal issues and facility development. You will then Assemble all four parts into one professionally formatted operations plan. Instructions This is Part 4 in the development of the outline for an operations plan to guide you in managing the practice and […]

Cessna 208B Grand CaravanCessna 208B Grand Caravan

   Develop a comprehensive marketing plan for a Cessna 208B Grand Caravan. The Product Development Committee of the organization has asked you to come up with an innovative, imaginative idea that upon further review can lead to a new avenue of growth for the organization. You are only responsible for generating the idea but it […]