Discipline: Business Finance - Operations Management

BUSI740: Managing the Supply Chain Hewlett Packard Company Network Printer Design for UniversalityBUSI740: Managing the Supply Chain Hewlett Packard Company Network Printer Design for Universality

  CHAPTER 9: PROCUREMENT AND OUTSOURCING STRATEGIES assignment chapter 10: COORDINATED PRODUCT AND SUPPLY CHAIN DESIGN assignment chapter 11: FLEXIBILITY   Watch: Organizing Your Research Using Library Resources   Read the Hewlett-Packard Company: Network Printer Design for Universality Case Study in the Simchi-Levi et al. text. Respond to each of the end-of-case discussion questions. Each question […]


OVERVIEW Complete a case study of Southwest Airlines.You will find the case in the case section of the text. A formal, in-depth case study analysis requires you to utilize the entire strategic management process. Assume you are a consultant asked by Southwest Airlines to analyze its external/internal environment and make strategic recommendations. You must include […]

Business Finance – Operations Management 4-1 Assignment: Business Model CanvasBusiness Finance – Operations Management 4-1 Assignment: Business Model Canvas

The elevator pitch was a success! Senior management believes they made the right choice in giving you the title of CIO and putting you in charge of seizing new opportunities in the marketplace.  While the pitch conveyed your good idea, it was just that: an idea. You now have to test the feasibility of your […]

4-2 Milestone Two: Draft of SWOT Analysis (Section III)4-2 Milestone Two: Draft of SWOT Analysis (Section III)

You will submit the SWOT analysis, Section III of the final project, including all critical elements as listed in the Final Project Document. This draft should be as detailed as possible in order to allow the instructor to provide significant feedback. Use a format similar to the “sample 1” example found here (https://www.conceptdraw.com/samples/management-SWOT). SWOT Analysis: […]

wk 1 question 2wk 1 question 2

in 250 words answer the following  define the fact pattern in the Netflix case study, which you read about in the following Module One resources: Library Article: How Netflix Reinvented HR Article: The Woman Behind the Netflix Culture Doc Website: Netflix Culture – Seeking Excellence This information will be a key part of your final […]

wk 1 questionwk 1 question

in 250 words awnser the following imagine yourself as an advisor to an upper-level manager in a  professional sport organization. You have been tasked with evaluating  the response to a recent change your sport organization was forced to  make. This change was brought forth by an imminent need to repair the  public’s view of the […]


Using the IHI White Paper on Sustaining Process Improvement as a reference: Discuss how accountability and standardization produced lasting results for each of the case studies. What alternative strategies may these organizations have employed to achieve the same results? Use APA references.


PURPOSE To stimulate intellectual curiosity in the field. During the semester, you will be required to complete two (2) article reviews. As part of that assignment, you will submit a written report in Microsoft Word detailing its analysis, findings and recommendations. Check the course outline for specific assignment due dates.  RESOURCES Look for a current […]

How Do I Want Others to See meHow Do I Want Others to See me

Please read assigned attached.  Here are the 5 ways people described me:  1. Compassionate, trustworthy, loving. This person described my leadership as democratic. 2. Dependable, trustworthy, thoughtful. This person described my leadership amazing. “She knows how to handle her work environment. She also helps and motivates her co-workers.” 3. Professional, punctual and knowledgeable. “You have […]