Communicating effectively can often help us manage conflict and overcome challenges in the workplace. Review the following scenario and answer the questions below. Your bags are packed for a family vacation to Jamaica, and you leave in three days. Then, your co-worker calls the office to say she can’t come to work this week […]
Discipline: Business Finance - Operations Management
Week 1 AWeek 1 A
For each of the assignments, find a recent (within the last two months) article in the Wall Street Journal that connects to the assigned chapters. Save a pdf of it or copy and paste into a Word document. Upload that to the assignments tab for the week. Do not simply include the link to the […]
2pg APA paper on Current event article due 9/3 2:00pm2pg APA paper on Current event article due 9/3 2:00pm
Write a 2pg APA 12 font – Times New Roman Analysis + Findings+ Conclusion
1-2 Blog: Project Analysis1-2 Blog: Project Analysis
Raising money to invest in innovation is hard. Companies both large and small work to strike a balance between executing an existing business model and thinking ahead to advance their business. As individuals think critically about how their business should move forward, they should first get a 360-degree view of their environment. This journey starts […]
Understanding the Organization (B04) DISCUSSION 2 classmateUnderstanding the Organization (B04) DISCUSSION 2 classmate
Discussion Thread: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems from Module 2: Week 2 and reply to 2 of your peers. 2 replies of at least 600-700 words each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 7 scholarly citations in APA format. Each reply must incorporate at least 3 scholarly citations in the surrent APA […]
Discussion 5Discussion 5
Explain the components of inventory carrying costs & ordering costs, and the concepts governing safety stock calculations.
Deliverable 7 – Develop a Proposal for Health ReformDeliverable 7 – Develop a Proposal for Health Reform
Assignment Content Competency Compare and contrast the role of finance and economics in the management of health systems in the U.S. and international markets. Employ contemporary economic principles that guide resource allocation decisions in health organizations. Evaluate the role and impact of financial principles on healthcare organizations. Analyze financial statements to assess performance and to […]
Deliverable 7 – Identifying Challenges to a Population Health ApproachDeliverable 7 – Identifying Challenges to a Population Health Approach
Assignment Content Competencies Examine disease management models and their effect on the health of populations and health economics. Apply the foundational principles of population health management to patient care. Appraise multiple methods of data resources and data collections used in diverse populations. Apply data analytic methodologies to diverse populations to address population health needs. Evaluate […]
STRCB/581 Final Course Reflection Reflect on the following questions in a minimum of 500 words. Reflect on the three competencies of this course. Consider how they might directly apply to your life and work environment when answering the questions below. Competency 1: Evaluate sustainable competitive advantages for an organization through a SWOT analysis. Competency 2: Develop […]
8-2 Short Presentation: Course Reflections and Future Direction of Adaptive Project Management8-2 Short Presentation: Course Reflections and Future Direction of Adaptive Project Management
You are the newest project manager in the Program Management Office (PMO). You recently completed a course in adaptive project management. You are tasked with providing a briefing at the next PMO staff meeting on your findings. You are instructed to keep it short. You will write a detailed narrative in the speaker notes that […]