in 200-250 answer the following; Explore SBJ and/or other credible sport business publications and find an article describing a recent sport licensing deal. Summarize the basics of the article; specifically identify who the companies are, what is being licensed, and who the licensor(s) and licensee(s) are. In addition, if any terms of the deal (e.g., […]
Discipline: Business Finance - Operations Management
Motivational SpeechMotivational Speech
Support from those around you is really important. They can give you the courage and support—emotionally, personally, and in other ways—that you need to continue in school. And now that you know more about your program, the support you have at University of Maryland Global Campus, and yourself as a learner, you have a clearer idea of what brought you here, […]
My Success Plan ( Answer only the parts not filled out on the template)My Success Plan ( Answer only the parts not filled out on the template)
For this assignment, you will incorporate what you have learned in the course to build you success plan. For many questions, it may be helpful to refer back to your assignment and discussion submissions. While your answers may have changed over the last eight units, your prior work in this class can help you to […]
Research Topic Busniess classResearch Topic Busniess class
Research Proposal: Topic Assignment Instructions The purpose of the Research Proposal: Final Assignment is to ensure you appreciate the challenge of setting up an effective research plan, consider the context, research questions, sources, timeline, integrated implications, analysis and writing required. Building a proposal will demand you work through all the research stages explored throughout […]
Building Successful Organizations that EndureBuilding Successful Organizations that Endure
APA FORMAT REQUIRED, Textbook Information Vanourek, B., & Vanourek, G. (2012). Triple Crown Leadership: Building Excellent, Ethical, and Enduring Organizations (1st ed.). McGraw Hill. Chapter 2
Discussion Replies: Economic DataDiscussion Replies: Economic Data
Discussion Replies: Economic Data You will review your classmates’ initial postings and choose one classmate to complete the following for your reply: Write a 250 to 300-word response to your classmate. Your reply must make a recommendation to your classmate of a peer reviewed journal article that provides additional information on their topic. In your […]
DisBUSI701: Current Topics in Business Administration (discussion Thread: International Business)DisBUSI701: Current Topics in Business Administration (discussion Thread: International Business)
Read: How Global Companies Win Out Global Dimensions of Business (See attachment) Discussion Thread: International Business Read Hout, Porter, & Rudden’s (1982) article and review the three examples of the companies that were successful in competing globally. Each of the companies had a different approach to executing global strategy. In today’s current global environment, why […]
Diversification strategies involve a firm stepping beyond its existing industries and entering a new value chain. Generally, related diversification (i.e., entering a new initiative that has significant similarities with a firm’s existing industries) is wiser than unrelated diversification (i.e., entering a new industry lacking such similarities). Before writing your initial discussion post, read Tesla’s Entry […]
Think back to your most recent experience working in a team, either at work or school. Write down your answers to the following questions about your role in the team. What did the team members appreciate about you? What did the team members learn from you? What could the team members count on you for? […]
code of ethicscode of ethics
COMPETENCIES 3008.1.2 : Ethical Leadership and Code of Ethics The graduate identifies influences on ethical leadership and analyzes a code of ethics. 3008.1.3 : Policy and Program Development The graduate develops policies, practices, procedures, and programs that foster organizational ethics and socially responsible behavior. 3008.1.5 : Legal and Regulatory Requirements The graduate analyzes applicable legal […]