Annotated Bibliography: Economic Data Assignment Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions Overview In preparation for writing each of your Discussions, you should submit your Annotated Bibliography Assignment on the topic that is being covered for the week (Marketing, Accounting, Finance, Management, Economic Data Analysis, International Business). Instructions An annotated bibliography is a list of sources (books, journals, […]
Discipline: Business Finance - Operations Management
BUSI701: Current Topics in Business Administration Discussion Thread: Economic DataBUSI701: Current Topics in Business Administration Discussion Thread: Economic Data
Read: Keller & Alsdorf: pp. 185 — 201 Read: The Value of US Government Data to US Business Decisions Discussion Thread: Economic Data Read Hughes-Cromwick & Coronado’s (2019) article on the value of economic data on business decisions. Summarize the findings of the article and locate additional peer reviewed articles that […]
Business Finance – Operations Management BUSI710: Foundations of Applied Research Methods MINI-CONCEPT PAPER ASSIGNMENTBusiness Finance – Operations Management BUSI710: Foundations of Applied Research Methods MINI-CONCEPT PAPER ASSIGNMENT
Read: Robson & McCartan: Chapter 16 Watch: APA Style Basics: 7th Edition*178uwog*_ga*MTM1ODQ3ODkwMC4xNjg3MjgzMjUx*_ga_YK8WH8QD6R*MTY4NzI4MzI1MC4xLjEuMTY4NzI4NjMzMy42MC4wLjA. BUSI 710 Mini-Concept Paper Template in attachment MINI-CONCEPT PAPER ASSIGNMENT Mini-Concept Paper Assignment Instructions Using the feedback that has been given throughout the term, please write a mini-concept paper. The mini-concept paper is similar to a concept paper that one would do […]
Business Finance – Operations Management BUSI710: Foundations of Applied Research Methods Research Design, Method, and Design Method AssignmentBusiness Finance – Operations Management BUSI710: Foundations of Applied Research Methods Research Design, Method, and Design Method Assignment
Read: Robson & McCartan: Chapters 6 – 8 Watch: Research Design (in 3 Minutes) Watch: Telling a Complete Story with Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research Watch: Chapter 7 Elements of Research Design Watch: Chapter 17 Qualitative Data Analysis Watch: Chapter 15 Quantitative Data Analysis Watch: Chapter 11 Experimental Designs Research […]
Interview someone working as a military S1 civilian with Bachelors in Business Administration.Interview someone working as a military S1 civilian with Bachelors in Business Administration.
Name of the interviewee is Ms. Alexander. Background in the military active duty but now a civilian working in the administration as S1.
Prompt 6Prompt 6
In 100 words, discuss “The First Old Man’s Tale” from The Thousand and One Nights. In 100 words, discuss “The Second Old Man’s Tale” from The Thousand and One Nights. In 100 words, discuss “The Third Old Man’s Tale” from The Thousand and One Nights.
Prompt 7Prompt 7
As the daughter and wife of two powerful men, Shahrazad experiences unequal power in The Thousand and One Nights. During this age, women and wives are the property of men. In the story, Shahrazad uses her voice to make subtle changes for herself and other women. Discuss and show how Shahrazad is an early feminist.
BUSI701: Current Topics in Business Administration Discussion Replies: ManagementBUSI701: Current Topics in Business Administration Discussion Replies: Management
Discussion Replies: Management You will review your classmates’ initial postings and choose one classmate to complete the following for your reply: Write a 250 to 300-word response to your classmate. Your reply must make a recommendation to your classmate of a peer reviewed journal article that provides additional information on their topic. In your response, […]
XL Strategies for Organizational ChangeXL Strategies for Organizational Change
1. Becoming a Creative Change Leader: Manifesting a Vision: How One Person Became a Creative Change Leader in Her Organization. 2. Creating a Creative Culture: A Turnaround Story: How Creative Problem Solving and Creative Leadership Revived a Theater Company. 3. Creative Climate: Work Environment Allows IDEO to Deliver Promise of Innovation. You are to provide […]
Discussion Replies: Innovative Benefit PracticesDiscussion Replies: Innovative Benefit Practices
MAKE ONE RESPONSE OF AT LEAST 250 WORDS TO EACH OF THE ATTACHED POSTS. Each reply must be at least 250 original words that respond to the initial threads. Each reply must incorporate citations in current APA format from the textbook, at least 2 scholarly sources, and 1 integrated Bible verse. Any sources cited must […]