Discipline: Business Finance - Operations Management


for this question use the event Something in the water Held in Va Beach Va in 200-250 words with sources answer the following:  Research an event that was recently hosted in your local community. In  your initial post, write a summary of the actions you think were  necessary for successful activation and implementation. After reading […]

Week 3 DiscussionWeek 3 Discussion

  Before the end of the Week, begin commenting on at least two of your classmates’ responses.  Review the CVP-graph PDF   (i attached) for more information on CVP graphs and how to read them. Assuming the graphs are drawn to the same scale, consider the break-even charts—cost-volume-profit (CVP) graphs—below for two competing providers operating in a fee-for-service […]

Business Finance – Operations Management BUSI710: Foundations of Applied Research Methods Purpose Statement and Significance of the Study AssignmentBusiness Finance – Operations Management BUSI710: Foundations of Applied Research Methods Purpose Statement and Significance of the Study Assignment

 Read: Keller & Alsdorf: Chapters 11 – 12, & Epilogue  Watch: Purpose Statement and Significance of the Study https://watch.liberty.edu/media/t/1_351us78b?_ga=2.185178473.1979966235.1686742430-374569456.1686139439&_gl=1*10f2kic*_ga*Mzc0NTY5NDU2LjE2ODYxMzk0Mzk.*_ga_YK8WH8QD6R*MTY4Njc0MjQzMC4xMS4xLjE2ODY3NDcyMDEuNTYuMC4w Watch: Common Grammar Mistakes   Purpose Statement and Significance of the Study Assignment Purpose Statement and the Significance of the Study Assignment Instructions The purpose statement should flow directly from the problem statement. It should be […]

BUSI701: Current Topics in Business Administration Discussion Replies: AccountingBUSI701: Current Topics in Business Administration Discussion Replies: Accounting

   You will review your classmates’ initial postings and choose one classmate to complete the following for your reply:  Write a 250 to 300-word response to your classmate. Your reply must make a recommendation to your classmate of a peer reviewed journal article that provides additional information on their topic. In your response, you should […]

Business Finance – Operations Management BUSI701: Current Topics in Business Administration Stakeholder Theory & Social Justice AssignmentBusiness Finance – Operations Management BUSI701: Current Topics in Business Administration Stakeholder Theory & Social Justice Assignment

 Every Good Endeavor Reflection: Stakeholder Theory & Social Justice Assignment  Every Good Endeavor Reflection Assignment Instructions Overview Keller (2014) states, “We must love our neighbor, but Christianity gives us very specific teachings about human nature and what makes human beings flourish. We must make sure that our work is done in line with these understandings. […]

Business Finance – Operations Management BUSI701: Current Topics in Business Administration Annotated Bibliography: Management AssignmentBusiness Finance – Operations Management BUSI701: Current Topics in Business Administration Annotated Bibliography: Management Assignment

 Read: Keller & Alsdorf: pp. 153 — 184  Read: Helping Others or Helping Oneself? An Episodic Examination of the Behavioral Consequences of Helping at Work  https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/peps.12229 Read: How Does Leader Humility Influence Team Performance? Exploring the Mechanisms of Contagion and Collective Promotion Focus   https://liberty.alma.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/openurl?institution=01LIBU_INST&vid=01LIBU_INST:Services&%3Fctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&ctx_enc=info:ofi%2Fenc:UTF-8&rfr_id=info:sid%2Fsummon.serialssolutions.com&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi%2Ffmt:kev:mtx:journal&rft.genre=article&rft.atitle=How%20Does%20Leader%20Humility%20Influence%20Team%20Performance%3F%20Exploring%20the%20Mechanisms%20of%20Contagion%20and%20Collective%20Promotion%20Focus&rft.jtitle=Academy%20of%20Management%20journal&rft.au=Owens,%20Bradley%20P&rft.au=Hekman,%20David%20R&rft.date=2016-06-01&rft.issn=0001-4273&rft.eissn=1948-0989&rft.volume=59&rft.issue=3&rft.spage=1088&rft.epage=1111&rft_id=info:doi%2F10.5465%2Famj.2013.0660&rft.externalDBID=n%2Fa&rft.externalDocID=10_5465_amj_2013_0660 Watch: Current Issues in Management https://canvas.liberty.edu/courses/469821/pages/watch-current-issues-in-management?module_item_id=51679425      Annotated Bibliography […]

Project 3BProject 3B

 Major: Business Administration Do some research on your major: Start your research with “What Can I Do with this Major?” site (https://whatcanidowiththismajor.com/Links to an external site.). This source is a great place to start your major exploration and consider all the different areas you can consider. It contains a lot of useful information as you […]