Discipline: Business Finance - Operations Management

International HR IssuesInternational HR Issues

  Using your resources and recommendation from Week 3, identify 3 human resource considerations with your selected country, such as labor laws and safety. Provide a recommendation for dealing with the identified issues. For each identified issue, include the following: A description of the issue An explanation of why that issue could arise if Southwest […]


Instructions The requirement of this assignment is to determine an Estimated Home Value and write a short paper on the topic of Estimated Home Value. Use the data below to determine the correct estimate for the subject property. Solve the following problem using the data outlined. Include a table of any adjustments you make to […]

describe a situationdescribe a situation

In a short written paragraph  Please describe a time when you dealt with someone who was difficult at your workplace (as a Recruiter). How did you handle that situation? What would you do differently if you could do it over again?  (2500 Character Limit)


 Medicare Patients—Benefits and Costs Assess the differences in benefits and costs, which are available to Medicare patients based upon the patent selecting either the “Traditional” Medicare program or Medicare Part C (Advantage Plan). Once a patient makes a choice, is he or she locked into the choice? Evaluated at least two valuable elements to both […]

week5 discussionweek5 discussion

  There is great controversy over whether a patient will be able to retain or choose his or her doctors with the advent of the PPACA. In addition, many existing plans are being ruled as incompatible with the requirements of the PPACA and discontinued or canceled as a result. Explore and explain whether the patients […]

Research ProblemResearch Problem

Good day writer, your assistance is needed.  Problem statement is, “The problem to be explored in this study is the lack of understanding of Generation X’s perception of Generation Z’s discipline.” The purpose statement might be,” The purpose of this study is to explore Generation X’s perception of Generation Z/s discipline.” Quantitative Introduction: Less variation […]


 Review the case study “Alaska Airlines: Navigating Change” and then complete the following: (a) State what actually occurred in the case regarding Kotter’s steps 3 and 4 of developing a vision and strategy and communicating the change vision (two to three paragraphs), and (b) address each of the critical elements for Section II parts C […]

Organizational Behavior PrinciplesOrganizational Behavior Principles

Description Primary Response is due by Thursday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Saturday (11:59:59pm Central). Primary Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and […]

Week 4Week 4

Before beginning work on this assignment, please review the expanded grading rubric for specific instructions relating to content and formatting. HCO’s Board Identify the various committees of a HCO (Health Care Organization) board and evaluate the function of each committee. Please first read “Physicians on Hospital Boards: Time for New Approaches” (2011, February) and then […]