Discipline: Business Finance - Operations Management

milestone 1milestone 1

in 2 pages provide the answer to the following along with following the example I provided should help with the format  each section should be bolded  along with references  . Executive Summary A. State the proposed project that the organization should undertake, and briefly explain the intended outcome. B. Identify the sports organization’s most significant […]

short papershort paper

in 3-4 pages with 3-4 references answer the following:  Congratulations! You have been put in charge of determining the feasibility of renovating a 50-year-old local recreation facility that includes four multipurpose courts, a fitness center, and a swimming  pool/aquatic center. Discuss what would be involved in conducting a  feasibility study to determine whether renovation is […]


  Executive Summary – General information – include all applicable items and the scope of the project. Name of Company Business Structure (sole proprietorship, LLC, partnership, corporation) Industry (healthcare, automotive, entertainment, etc.) Segment (specific area within an industry) Number of employees Products/services offered Number of years in business Location(s) Public/Privately held Parent Corporation/Company (Franchise) For-Profit/Not-for-Profit Ownership Type […]

Business Finance – Operations Management 5 Assignment – Marketing Plan and BudgetBusiness Finance – Operations Management 5 Assignment – Marketing Plan and Budget

Overview This assignment consists of two sections: Marketing plan and sales strategy (an MS Word document). Marketing budget (using the Business Plan Financials Excel Template). To successfully complete this assignment, you must attach both documents to the submission area as separate files Download A2-Marketing Plan Template Download A2-Marketing Plan Template[DOC] Download the Tutorial on How […]

sing 2sing 2

In the Singapore Air case you discover that Singapore Airlines (SIA) has been ranked as the best airline in both independent and customer surveys for nearly 3 decades. It serves as a model of a continuously changing organization – continually modernizing, stretching, and serving customers in ways that stimulate strong loyalty and brand equity. It […]

wk 7wk 7

  Page 1 of 2 DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS The student will complete 4 Discussions in this course. As you read the chapters assigned to each week, you will find some concepts more interesting and applicable to your personal or work situation than others. Review the key terms listed in the assigned chapters; then, choose […]

Marketing and Promotion StrategyMarketing and Promotion Strategy

Scenario The Chief Executive Officer of Healthy Dynamics and your internal team had the opportunity to review the memo, the workflow analysis, objectives, vision, and mission statements. The project manager is onboard and received the strategy map/data table that identified the key stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities. The CEO has scheduled another meeting next week to […]

Engaging StakeholdersEngaging Stakeholders

Scenario After reviewing the new proposed vision from Healthy Dynamics that includes updated mission, focus area, and objectives, the CEO has decided to contract a project manager. The project manager understands the importance of identifying stakeholders early in the strategic planning process. The project manager will be responsible for the successful start of the planning […]