Discipline: Business & Finance

Wk 4, MHA 599: DQWk 4, MHA 599: DQ

APA format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer reviewed reference Respond to the following: What quality metrics will you put into place and monitor to track the quality of your health care service?  Provide evidence from your research on practices and programs used by health care organizations to monitor quality in […]


Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the Dhandho Investor. Then, watch the video interview Verizon’s Tami Erwin Says 5G Is Bigger Than 3G and 4G CombinedLinks to an external site.. Tami Erwin is executive vice president and CEO of Verizon Business, a global leader in 5G technology […]


Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Entrepreneurs in the Age of Covid: Q&A With America’s Leading Startup Thinker, Carl SchrammLinks to an external site.. Carl Schramm is America’s leading startup thinker, and the author of numerous op-ed pieces in the Wall Street Journal and Foreign Affairs. He has authored many books, including his most recent, Burn the […]


  Please provide a comprehensive answer to the following question sets (1-2): 1) Most employer retirement plans offered today are define contribution plan . The most popular savings vehicle for defined contribution plans are 401(k)s.  The most popular options for investing in 401(k)s are via mutual funds. Assume you decide to participate in the employer-sponsored plan. […]


In this course you will discover what makes a great leader. Through a series of interviews with successful CEOs, you will discover how the decisions they make navigate companies through difficult times to maintain successful business ventures. For this discussion, name a CEO or successful leader you admire and explain why. What traits do they […]

1. Analyze Cashflow Statements. 2. Compute the cash flows from operations, investments, and financial transactions. 3. Complete a comprehensive financial ratio analysis from the perspective of stockholders, creditors, and other stakeholders.1. Analyze Cashflow Statements. 2. Compute the cash flows from operations, investments, and financial transactions. 3. Complete a comprehensive financial ratio analysis from the perspective of stockholders, creditors, and other stakeholders.

You should submit a report in Word format, and a presentation in PowerPoint. The wordcount for all the assessment is 2500 words, the power point presentation should have 10 slides. Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount. Font: Arial 12,5 pts.  Text alignment: Justified.  company name: Xerox ·  Find […]

Discussion TopicDiscussion Topic

 Research Methodologies in Health Care    Discussion Topic Scales Please read chapter 12 of the ebook, with careful attention to pages 277-284. What is the benefit of using “scales” in your research questionnaire? Which scale do you think is most helpful for the researcher, why? What is your opinion of open-ended questions? If you have […]