Discipline: Business & Finance

Wk 2, MHA 599: DR 1Wk 2, MHA 599: DR 1

APA format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer reviewed reference Further the conversation with peer and include a question for the peer to respond to at the end. Ashley P. 10/30/23  8:05 PM Hi class, Access to mammogram screening in communities with disparities will have a significant positive impact on broader […]

Case Study 4Case Study 4

Only Complete Part of Section 2 (only the highlighted part of section 2)  100 words maximum   Bullet points (no long sentences) Evaluate the business from an investment banker’s (consultant’s) perspective for your financier clients who you hope to retain as clients for future assignments. 

Business & Finance Assignment-Business & Finance Assignment-

Ethical Issues in Human Services Assignment Content Chapter 9 discussed managing different boundary issues that are presented in the helping relationship. Some say that multiple relationships are inevitable, pervasive, and unavoidable and have the potential to be either beneficial or harmful. Please respond to the following: Explore both the potential benefits and the risks of […]

Discussion 3Discussion 3

  For the organization you’ve chosen to use for the remainder of the course…. Complete Worksheet 18 (Stakeholder Identification) on p. 94. Now, tell us which internal and external stakeholders you selected and why. Be specific, and ensure your answers are tied into the course readings and your research about the organization. 

Forum 2Forum 2

Course Reflection/Review [WLO: 4] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] [NACE 1, 2, 3, 8] Twitter TranscriptDownload Transcript Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, reflect on all the course material, including Chapters 1 through 17, weekly lectures, discussion forums, and assignments that have been covered during this course to discuss the following: Which […]

Forum 1Forum 1

 International Presentations  [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] [NACE 1, 2, 3, 6, 8] Twitter TranscriptDownload Transcript Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read and review Chapters 1 through 17 of the course textbook and review the key elements necessary for an executive summary in the article, How to Write an […]

Identifying and Resolving ConflictsIdentifying and Resolving Conflicts

  In our contemporary world, we inhabit an intricately woven, culturally diverse society. When we unite individuals from various backgrounds in a professional setting, conflicts can emerge when expectations aren’t met. Instead of merely expecting conflicts to dissipate, this paper aims to delve into the origins of conflicts and offer effective strategies for managing them […]