Discipline: Business & Finance

Wk 1, MHA 599: DQWk 1, MHA 599: DQ

APA format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer reviewed reference Respond to the following:   Marginalized populations, including those living near or below the poverty level, ethnic minorities, and other underrepresented identities and groups, are always at the greatest risk of suffering from debilitating or life-changing health problems due to lack […]

Case Study and 3 discussionCase Study and 3 discussion

Discussion 1.2 Why Are Financial Institutions Special? Financial Services: Depository Institutions Discussion 2.1 Explain what is the primary function of finance companies? Provide an example. Discussion 2.2 What is the function of institutional venture capital firms? Case Study 2.1 What is the primary function of finance companies? How do finance companies differ from depository institutions? What […]

Business & Finance assignmentBusiness & Finance assignment

Assignment 1:  Part I After reading and annotating “Research: Men Speak More Abstractly Than Women” (Wakslak and Joshi, 2022), write a summary of approximately 350-400 words using the principles we’ve discussed. This includes addressing main ideas accurately, avoiding plagiarism by appropriately paraphrasing, and using APA in-text citations. Please avoid quotations for this assignment. Your submission […]

Wk 6, MHA 560: DR 2Wk 6, MHA 560: DR 2

APA Format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer-reviewed reference Further the conversation with the below peer and end with a question:44  Esther Burnett 10/19/23, 8:04 PM Hello everyone,  Health care leaders have a significant obligation to guarantee the manageable tasks of their associations. Sustainability initiatives have become more significant, so health care […]


Trust Busting [WLOs: 1, 4] [CLOs: 2, 4] [NACE 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8] TranscriptDownload Transcript Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 11, Global Competitive Dynamics, from the course textbook. In the Emerging Markets Trade/Antitrust Wars discussion forum this week, you discussed the concepts of trust busting. Reach out to […]

Unit VII FinanceUnit VII Finance

For your final, you will be applying the concepts learned throughout this course to an analysis of a merger or an acquisition. Much of the information you will need to complete this analysis can be found in the company’s annual report. You may choose any recent merger or acquisition (within the last 5 years). Using […]