Discipline: Business & Finance

Wk 5, MHA 560: DR 2Wk 5, MHA 560: DR 2

APA format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer reviewed reference Respond to the following:   Doria Chege Hi Erika and Class,  Class, Do you think that the construct of corporate responsibility has gone by the wayside in lieu of corporate profits? Can you think of ways that healthcare organizations can minimize […]

Discussion Question 200 wordsDiscussion Question 200 words

  A public company’s value can be calculated by different approaches depending on the data available and is often shared through quarterly or annual reports or financial statements. If you were a manager for the Fortune 500 company studied in our class, you may be asked to present how the company uses performance metrics in corporate […]

Discussion 5Discussion 5

 Please watch Fit (HERE). Then post an example of someone that you know that had found fit with their job or career and someone that you know that does not have a good fit with their job or career. You do not have to use names to protect individual privacy. Then discuss differences you see […]

Business & Finance AssignmentBusiness & Finance Assignment

Step 1: Read the article “The 21st Century CEO” (Gordon & Martin, 2019) and annotate it. Your annotations should show evidence that you read the article actively. Mark your comments the following way: Critical Comments – CC; Reflective Comments – RQ; Questions – Q. Please see the rubric for grading criteria. Step 2: In a […]


 BY DAY 5 Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ posts in one or more of the following ways: Ask a clarifying question about your colleague’s description of their team experience or suggested managerial practices. Suggest one or more additional practices your colleague could use as a manager to promote effective, positive, and inclusive […]

Business & Finance assignmentBusiness & Finance assignment

  From the ancient and early influencers lecture slides provided, you will be assigned a historical leader to research and present to the class.  address the following questions: Who are they?  When in history did they live and lead?  Provide a summary of their accomplishments.  What made them an influential leader? What great deeds or […]