Discipline: Business & Finance

Wk 5, MHA 560: DR 1Wk 5, MHA 560: DR 1

APA format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer reviewed reference Further discussion by responding in agreeance to peers infographic, why you support their sustainability initiative, and recommendations on information to include on infographic: See attachment

Forum 2Forum 2

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read the “Closing Case” in Chapter 9 Post-COVID Entrepreneurship. Answer all of the case questions below and bring the case into the present day with the incorporation of additional research. Your initial post should be 200 to 300 words. You should use at least two credible and […]

Forum 1Forum 1

Virtual Company Tour [WLOs: 2, 3] [CLOs: 2, 4] [NACE 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8] Twitter TranscriptDownload Transcript Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapters 8, 9, and 10 in the required textbook and review the videos below. Compare and contrast two of the virtual company tours listed in the videos […]

Asymmetric knowledgeAsymmetric knowledge

  Assignment Details Asymmetric knowledge is a major part of the healthcare services system. Physicians have so much knowledge about the illnesses or diseases that patients present with at the hospital. This often results in provider-induced demand, which is unique to the healthcare system and not part of the conventional market. The patient goes to […]

Operations Management and Implementation planOperations Management and Implementation plan

Assignment Details The operations and implementation departments would like you to go over the following sections of the business plan: Operations Management and Implementation Plan Evaluation Plan Based on your research, write a succinct analysis of each of the following items: Operations Management and Implementation Plan Outline Goals and Objectives Assign Responsibilities Implementation Schedule Resource […]

Marketing ManagerMarketing Manager

  Assignment Details The marketing manager discussed your marketing analysis and strategy with the operations management team. The team has determined that you are the ideal person for this next phase of the business plan evaluation. The success of a project requires attention to resource planning. As you advance in the company, it is time […]

Business & Finance Case Study: Projections, NPV, Compilation AssignmentBusiness & Finance Case Study: Projections, NPV, Compilation Assignment

CASE STUDY FOR SOUTHWEST AIRLINES The completed case study must include these components, with portions to be submitted over several modules as the Case Study: Matrices Assignment, the Case Study: Historical Financial Analysis Assignment, and the Case Study: Projections, NPV, Compilation Assignment.  Cover page (must include the company name, your name, the date of […]


 Nearly everyone has been part of a team during the course of their lives. Some of these team experiences may have been positive, some perhaps negative, and some neutral to the point that they are barely memorable. By working together with a team, you are offered unique opportunities for growth as other members will challenge […]