Discipline: Business & Finance

Discussion 8Discussion 8

Find a news article from a major news organization, like the New York Timer, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Houston Business Journal, Houston Chronicle, CNN, USA Today, or similar publication. It should have relevance to one of the topics in Ch. 1; Ch. 2; Ch. 3; Ch. 4; Ch 5; Ch 25.  The date should be after the beginning of the semester.  The date should be after the beginning of the semester. Give us a live link to the […]

Case Study 1Case Study 1

Only Complete Section 4 (Analysis and Recommendations) 100 words maximum  Bullet points (structure) Evaluate the business from an investment banker’s (consultant’s) perspective for your financier clients who you hope to retain as clients for future assignments.

Wk 4, MHA 560: DR 1Wk 4, MHA 560: DR 1

APA format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer reviewed reference Respond to the following in BOLD:   Dr. Doria Chege Hi Paramdeep, Luz and Class, Great discussion starter and appreciate these thoughts shared. We can compare this somewhat I believe with the COVID-19 vaccination and the opinions on the pandemic which […]

Direct managerDirect manager

  Assignment Details Your direct manager was extremely impressed in your proficiency with the financials and sent your work over to the marketing department. Before the marketing department will release its data, the marketing manager would like you to answer a question about market growth strategies. Market growth is accomplished by one or more of […]

Healthcare ResourcesHealthcare Resources

  Healthcare resources are scarce, and policy makers and health planners make choices between alternative uses of resources. Economic evaluation is important when allocating scarce resources. Cost–benefit analysis, cost effectiveness analysis, and cost utility analysis are decision-making tools that help policy makers and planners examine healthcare costs and the consequences of alternative health programs, services, […]

National health insurance programNational health insurance program

  Many are calling for a national health insurance program because the current healthcare financing system is complex, expensive, and has too many players (i.e., Medicaid, Medicare, managed care plans, and individual out-of-pocket financing). The cost of healthcare is high, many are uninsured or underinsured, and others are not qualified for Medicaid or Medicare. You […]

Forum 2Forum 2

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, watch the video, Ray Dalio: How to Build a Company Where the Best Ideas WinLinks to an external site.. In the final paper, you will formulate foreign exchange strategies for your target market country. After you watch the video, do some brief web/library research to share insights regarding […]


Foreign Partner Research: Trade [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLO: 3] [NACE 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8] Twitter TranscriptDownload Transcript Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 5, International Trade, in the required textbook and review the website SlackLinks to an external site.. Use SlackLinks to an external site. to communicate with your foreign student research […]