Discipline: Business & Finance

Wk 3, GHA 548: DQWk 3, GHA 548: DQ

APA format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer reviewed reference Respond to the following:   How do retirement patterns for men and women differ? What are the major reasons for this difference? How might an older adult’s needs for care affect family relationships?

Unit 5 DB: Virtual WorkUnit 5 DB: Virtual Work

 Video conferencing and messaging have become popular ways to communicate in the workplace. Slack, Zoom, and Teams are just a few of the platforms available. Pick a type of communication video conferencing or messaging. Research etiquette tips and share five. Explain why each is important.  Include at least three sources. In response to two of […]

key performance indicatorskey performance indicators

  An organization uses key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor the processes involved in operating a global supply chain to identify strategies that are not performing well and need improvement. Describe a KPI that you have used yourself or have seen or read about being used to manage a global supply chain process successfully. How […]

For this first exercise, go to the General Social Survey (GSS) website and download the 1980 data set for SPSSFor this first exercise, go to the General Social Survey (GSS) website and download the 1980 data set for SPSS

  Report the frequency and percentage results for HAPMAR statistics?  For GSS 1980  2.  Provide the proper graph (Histogram, Bar Chart, Scatter Plot) –submit the output and you need to identify which graph you should use (word document) along with a description of what is displayed in the graph. For GSS 1980. A.  AGE  B. […]

Final Film Critique Outline: Film and Social Resonance AnalysisFinal Film Critique Outline: Film and Social Resonance Analysis

Prepare:  Complete the following prior to beginning work on this assignment: Read Chapters 4 and 7 in your course textbook. Read your instructor’s feedback on your Weeks 2 and 3 assignments. Make any corrections that have been identified. Follow the steps outlined below to complete this week’s assignment: Download the Final Film Critique Outline Template […]

Business Competency SimulationBusiness Competency Simulation

The final written Report must follow the structure as per the guidelines summarized below: Formal Report Format, Academic English Non-native English speakers should do more than just an English spell-check, but they should also check the grammar as well. Be within a 7,000-8,000-word count Harvard referencing style is required **FIND CAPSIM LOGIN DETAILS SCREENSHOTS AND […]


  This week, we are discussing Chapter 9 – Business Torts. In the lecture slides I discuss a very famous case not mentioned in the book – Pennzoil Co. v. Texaco, Inc., 481 U.S. 1 (U.S. 1987). An interesting article can be found about it here: https://www.nytimes.com/1987/12/19/business/pennzoil-texaco-fight-raised-key-questions.html(Links to an external site.)  or here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1985/11/20/jury-awards-1053-billion-to-pennzoil-in-texaco-case/7d3d352f-816a-416c-95a9-19cc116db240/ (Links to an […]