Discipline: Business & Finance

Business & Finance 4-4 Short Paper: National Jazz Hall of Fame Case Study AssignmentBusiness & Finance 4-4 Short Paper: National Jazz Hall of Fame Case Study Assignment

Review the National Jazz Hall of Fame case study and answer questions 1-6. In analyzing the case study, include assessments of the effectiveness of project initiation and planning activities, work breakdown structure development, and risk management use and implementation. What to Submit Short papers should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch […]

Business & Finance 3-3 Short Paper: Create a Work Breakdown Structure AssignmentBusiness & Finance 3-3 Short Paper: Create a Work Breakdown Structure Assignment

Submit a WBS for a fictitious or a real project with a minimum of 15 activities and the first three levels (e.g., task, subtask, activity). A real project may be something that you managed or are managing. You may use Microsoft Project, Microsoft Excel, or another program to complete this task. What to Submit Short […]

2 Discussions 1 case Study 1 Weekly Summary2 Discussions 1 case Study 1 Weekly Summary

Discussion 2.1 What is Corporate Social Responsibility? Why companies, are focusing on CSR more than ever? Discuss. REFERENCES ARE MANDATORY. MINIMUM 150 WORDS REQUIREMENT. Discussion 2.2 Discuss the concept of Time Value of Money. REFERENCES ARE MANDATORY. MINIMUM 150 WORDS REQUIREMENT. Answer the following questions: 1. Explore the website of Small Business Administration and write […]


A one-page paper must be submitted alongside the application. In the paper, applicants should explain their academic and career goals, and how this scholarship would aid them in the process. 1000 words Dickey’s Barbecue Pit Scholarship Opportunity!!

case studycase study

General Instructions Students will work individually to apply concepts from the course to evaluate the actions of a leader and the process of leadership in a case study (15 points). Students will be assessed using the rubric below, based on the extent to which they effectively support their critique and analysis with evidence from course materials […]

Business & Finance 2-1 Journal: Financial Statements AssignmentBusiness & Finance 2-1 Journal: Financial Statements Assignment

  Topic: Adelphi University  1. Adelphi University wants to make the move from Division II athletics to Division I. Use Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Analyze your selected sport organization’s balance sheet. A. Explain how to communicate this information to stakeholders. B. Describe information that would be necessary to include for stakeholders. […]

Wk 6, DAT 565: DR 2Wk 6, DAT 565: DR 2

APA format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer reviewed reference Respond to the following:   Dr.  Kenneth Le Cour Hello Andrea and All: Andrea’s discussion is good. When analyzing trends it is most common to use a linear trend. we might also use an exponential trend. Each trend can be useful […]

Wk 6, DAT 565: DR 1Wk 6, DAT 565: DR 1

APA Format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer reviewed reference Respond to the following:   Dr. Kenneth Le Cour Hello Brittany and All: Brittany’s response is good. Let us say you were going to present this data to your management team and you were not familiar with the exponential trend but […]

Journal entryJournal entry

See attached.   In this journal submission, you will focus on health care and society. You must address the following: Which sociological perspective (functionalist, interactionist, or conflict view) best explains your viewpoint on the U.S. health care system? Give an example of a specific health or health care-related social problem to illustrate how your perspective […]