Discipline: Business & Finance

Case StudyCase Study

Case Study 8.1 Answer the following questions in a paper of eight to ten pages with at least five cited sources. All sources must be properly cited and referenced. Assignment must be APA compliance. Identify and briefly compare the two leading stock exchanges in the United States today. Select one company for each exchange and […]

Journal 5Journal 5

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 11 and 12 from the textbook, The real-life MBA: Your no-BS guide to winning the game, building a team, and growing your career.  Throughout your MBA program, you have had various discussion questions and assignments related to career development. For example, in a couple of courses, you […]

Business & Finance Assignment 5Business & Finance Assignment 5

For this assignment, research two contemporary accounting topics such as: Valuing intellectual capital for financial statement reporting purposes; How International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) differ from Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP);  The adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards in the United States; Sustainability and environmental accounting; Valuation of digital assets such as cryptocurrency for financial […]

Due in 72 hoursDue in 72 hours

Select two publicly traded companies. Write a 1200-1500-word pap3r in which you analyze and compare the two companies’ long-term debt position. The purpose of your analysis is to answer the following question: Which of the two companies is a riskier investment, based on your long-term debt analysis? A minimum of 5 references are required.

8 hours. 150 words8 hours. 150 words

Business valuation is based on many things, such as competition, growth potential, reputation, etc. Assume you are thinking of purchasing Columbia College, what value would you put on it? How did you arrive at that figure?  What variables did you use to calculate your valuation of CC? Look at what other students calculated, do you […]

Module 7 Discussion QuestionModule 7 Discussion Question

  Obtain the latest two Ford and General Motors Annual Reports online, like you have been doing for other companies in previous Module discussions. Please make sure the Annual Report you obtain is the latest two years. A particularly important financial accounting and financial statement measure is a company’s ability to use its assets efficiently […]

Wk 3, DAT 565: DQWk 3, DAT 565: DQ

APA format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer-reviewed reference Respond to the following:   How would you differentiate a discrete from a continuous random variable? Provide a specific example to illustrate the difference.  Provide a scenario when you use might use one type of random sampling method in your industry. Explain […]


Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Topic 6 International Accounting Standards in Appendix A in the course textbook, Using Financial Accounting. Next, review the Walmart Case Study. Compare and contrast the differences in the Walmart financial statements if the company were to use International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) rather than Generally Accepted Accounting […]