Discipline: Business & Finance


  Choose any two companies that are in the same industry and listed on the NYSE or any other exchange. Collect the financial information for these two companies and make sure you have information that includes balance sheets, income statements, and statements of cash flow for the last three years. You may select any company […]

Investment reportInvestment report

Pick one stock from DOW30 for your group to meet your client’s needs. No more than 2 students in a group. See more detailed instructions. Answer all 32 questions for the stock that you picked with a blue pen or in bold if you use a computer.  You need to use/print the latest company report and the industry report for […]


For this activity, review the following article and write a 1-page summary of the key points that you found in the article. Think about how you would apply some of the information in your personal or professional life and include that in the summary.

Create a small web page in WordPress, Squarespace, or Wix for the subject of your brochure or magazine.Create a small web page in WordPress, Squarespace, or Wix for the subject of your brochure or magazine.

  Your webpage must have at least three working pages including a home page. Each page should feature an image (this can be a logo, product, headshot, etc.). Your other two pages may include an image gallery, a blog, be creative. Your selection should make sense for your audience. You must have a menu and […]

project requirementproject requirement

Individual Case Study For this assignment, you may use a case study from the text or a problem you are attempting to resolve in your respective area/industry of business. Please remember you will not be assigned a case study so you will need to begin to identify your case study/problem as soon as possible. Case […]

FIN 320 Project TwoFIN 320 Project Two

FIN 320 Project Two Guidelines and Rubric Competencies In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: Analyze financial and investment decisions that add value to the organization Analyze financing options to maximize investor value Scenario You chose a business (Tesla Inc.) for your Module Two Journal. Imagine you are an analyst […]


Topic: For your assignment you will describe an instance when you successfully persuaded someone (or when someone else successfully persuaded you). In doing so, you will need to identify who you persuaded, detail the tactics you used, and discuss why these tactics were helpful. Although it is possible to write about something minor (convincing a […]

project requirementproject requirement

Individual Case Study For this assignment, you may use a case study from the text or a problem you are attempting to resolve in your respective area/industry of business. Please remember you will not be assigned a case study so you will need to begin to identify your case study/problem as soon as possible. Case […]