Discipline: Business & Finance


Select two of the three cases presented below and prepare a three-page written analysis of each case (six pages total). These case studies provide real-world application to concepts you have studied during this course. For this assignment, you are required to upload your work to your ePortfolio in addition to Waypoint. Learn more about Folio […]

Week 1/ Pastas R UsWeek 1/ Pastas R Us

  Complete the following on the Data tab of the Pastas R Us data file:  Calculate “Annual Sales” for each restaurant. Annual Sales is the result of multiplying a restaurant’s “SqFt.” by “Sales/SqFt.” The first value has been provided for you.  Calculate the mean, standard deviation, skew, 5-number summary, and interquartile range (IQR) for each […]


Go to Google Crome and locate the federal budget and the Mississippi state budget for the current fiscal year. Compare and contrast both budgets. Discuss the prompts listed below: The budgeting tools utilized by both government types. The impact of market inefficiencies on both government types. Ethical implications of the budget process. Impacts of budget […]

Week 2 Letters of RecommendationWeek 2 Letters of Recommendation

Learning objective: Develop a resume and cover letter to be sent to potential employers. Prompt: Preparing and requesting references Instructions: Employers request potential new hires (as well as those who are being considered for promotion) to provide letters of recommendation from former employers and/or instructors. Consider who you would ask for a recommendation. Draft a […]

Servers for different tasksServers for different tasks

Hey there! When it comes to working with servers for different tasks, I highly recommend checking out server hosting on the https://introserv.com/. They’ve got servers for every complex task you can think of, and the best part is that you don’t have to worry about installation fees. Plus, their technical support is available 24/7 to […]

Task 1.3: Leading Digital Innovation & ChangeTask 1.3: Leading Digital Innovation & Change

Task 1.3 Main task 1)An introduction that describes the organization & context, analyzing the specific internal and external situation and environment of the firm and (including organizational design, culture, values and cultural, social, political, market, technological and economic aspects) 2)A summary of relevant theory and criticism, defining key aspects of digital transformation and business models […]

Week 3 JournalWeek 3 Journal

Include a cover page and 1-2 pages of reflection regarding what new learnings you’ve taken away from the week’s readings, and other information you found noteworthy. In particular, give consideration to making adjustments to implemented strategies from a previous quarter of operations. Your journal should reflect the importance of being able to effectively analyze outcomes […]

Think TasksThink Tasks

Steps For both Discussions: Please remember as we discussed in the zoom session, you are debating  the DEBATE THIS  prompt. You are going to write an introductory  paragraph stating your position with 3 supporting paragraphs and then a  conclusion. Feel free to incorporate the fact pattern I gave you as an  example to help prove […]

100 Word Discussion Reply 2100 Word Discussion Reply 2

 Hello class,  Cash flow for construction companies can be difficult if not managed well due to slow, late, and/or partial payments after completing a project.  Then to factor materials, labor, and equipment needed effects their cash on hand.  Top that off with a pandemic and you have a perfect storm.  One example of a construction […]