Discipline: Business & Finance


   For this work, determine an effective process to evaluate the performance of one of your employees. As you have determined that periodic evaluations can be more beneficial than annual evaluations, you will be evaluating the mid-level manager who you hired and who has now been on board for 6 months. Your process should include […]


   For this work, prepare a PowerPoint presentation to train mid-level managers in your organization. The focus is to help the managers design an effective training process for employees in their department. This presentation should simulate an actual presentation that will be delivered to the managers. You must utilize the slide notes function in PowerPoint […]


   Write an APA paper explaining your new compensation strategy for the mid-level manager position you still need to fill. Your audience is the chief executive officer (CEO) and other supervisors in your organization. In this work, include the items listed below. After a brief introduction,      explain how equal employment opportunity laws impact the organization’s […]

Recruiting StrategyRecruiting Strategy

 During a recent interview with a new hire, a candidate was asked several discriminatory interview questions. The candidate filed a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). After your organization’s chief executive officer (CEO) was contacted by an investigator at the EEOC, you, as the newly hired human resources (HR) director, were asked to […]

Project HandoutProject Handout

  Project proposals  – 2 p@ges + 1 P@ge with 3  references, all references must be properly cited.  Attached is a Word document with instructions,  The research should focus on some aspect of risk management and/ or insurance.    List of Suggested Topics are in the word document you must pick one. 

Leadership in Practice PaperLeadership in Practice Paper

 The Leadership in Practice paper is an opportunity for you to apply the concepts learned in this course to a real-world situation. In your paper, you will discuss one significant organizational challenge (i.e., ethics, finance, diversity, corporate culture, economics, globalization, etc.) within an organization. Be sure to review the assignment organization, formatting, and and the […]

help with discussionhelp with discussion

Each student will need to pick one news story (or potentially more if they are related) from the financial press and present it back to the group. Your choice of news story is up to you. Use the following structure to frame your discussion: What’s the headline? What does this mean? Why is this important […]

Contemplation and ConsiderationContemplation and Consideration

Contemplation and Consideration Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 13 Lesson Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook) Initial Post Instructions Some people believe that you can tell who a person is by what they do when no one is looking. Let’s look at the following case. […]

1 HFT3003 100 126861 HFT3003 100 12686

QUESTION #1 1. Of the people you have read about, watched videos about, OR the course content in the latter modules of this course – which OVERALL AREA has inspired you the most and is the area that you’ve found most interesting among the topics? Why do you feel this way? Does it tie in […]