Discipline: Business & Finance

Research Methods – FinalResearch Methods – Final

The Research Proposal: Final Assignment RESEARCH PROPOSAL: FINAL ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS The purpose of the Research Proposal: Final Assignment is to ensure you appreciate the challenge of setting up an effective research plan and consider the context, research questions, sources, timeline, integrated implications, analysis, and writing required. Building a proposal will demand you work through all […]

Paper 1Paper 1

Write a 1-2 page paper using the following instructions. Select an environmental risk that occurs in nature, and research information about its release, exposure scenarios, and health effects. The specific data in each area of the analysis will depend on the environmental risk you choose. Write at least one paragraph for each analysis: Release Analysis: […]


In the event of a viral outbreak in a U.S. state, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, do you think it would be appropriate for the state government to use quarantine or isolation to control the outbreak? Under what conditions would it be appropriate? Explain your rationale. In general, discuss whether you think federal, state, and […]


The Great Recession of 2008-2009: Causes and Responses [WLOs: 1, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 5] Watch this video with Brenda Forde, Program Chair of MBA, and Steve Forbes. TranscriptDownload Transcript Prior to beginning work on this assignment, Read Chapter 10 of Macroeconomics: Private and Public Choice. Read “Special Topic 5: The Great Recession of 2008-2009: Causes […]

Week 4/ FIN571/ Apple IncWeek 4/ FIN571/ Apple Inc

 Apple Inc. A company’s financial reports are used for a variety of reasons, including determining how the company is doing in the financial market. You decide to evaluate the effects of economic and market conditions on your company’s financial performance. Completing this exercise provides you with financial market research to present to your management team to inspire new […]


  Part III of the Business Plan Part III of the business plan is due in week 5. Together with this part, you must show to your instructor that you have implemented the necessary corrections based on the part I feedback. Part III Requirements 1.  Marketing Strategy a.  The marketing strategy should address how you […]

help with discussionhelp with discussion

Indicate your major and what job you would like when you graduate.  In 2-3 paragraphs discuss how a tool like Tableau would help you in that job?  If you don’t think it would help that’s okay, just indicate why (2-3 paragraphs). Reply to classmate: Classmate Julia: My major is management and I am currently working […]

international businessinternational business

 Read Case Study 6 – Religion and IB.pdf which is a study conducted on the importance of religion in international business negotiations. This study covers only one religion, Islam, in one country, Malaysia; however, I want you to look at their findings and relate them to your knowledge of Christian businesses. Do you think there are […]