Discipline: Business & Finance

Wk 6, OPS 574: DR 1Wk 6, OPS 574: DR 1

APA format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer-reviewed reference Respond to the following:   Dr. Michael A. Lindquist, EdD, COL USA (ret) Christain, Thank you for sharing your experience. You said, “They prefer a horizontal supply chain” There are two principle types of supply chain integration. You have introduced a horizontal […]


 The Marketing Strategies of Bed Bath & Beyond  Introduction Brief description of Bed Bath & Beyond 100 words  Analysis Summary and analysis of its marketing strategies 300 words  Solution Whether its marketing strategies are successful or not?  Solutions for the better marketing.  300 words Justification Describe reasons why you selected the solution.  200 words Summary […]

100 Word Discussion Reply 2100 Word Discussion Reply 2

 I was assigned the consumer apparel industry. I found the top 2 business models to be Alternative commerce models and Customized Apparel.  The alternative business models could take as much as 9 percent share by 2023, 10-30 percent share by 2030, and significantly higher percentages after 2030. This business model allows consumers to rent clothing […]

100 Word Discussion Reply100 Word Discussion Reply

 Hey class, For this discussion, I had a very interesting topic to talk about. I tried to think of what kinds of products banks sell, but the only thing that came to me was that they provide debit and credit cards in conjunction with their banking services to both people and companies. The banking and […]

Wk 6 Summative Assessment: Capital Structures Financial PlanWk 6 Summative Assessment: Capital Structures Financial Plan

 You as the business manager need to be able to determine larger sources of funding by creating a financial plan to help reduce duplication of resources, identify requirements and risks, and determine various financing options. Completing this planning is an important step for all businesses to take if they want to succeed. Larger companies may delegate this […]

problem statementproblem statement

A problem statement on a religious curriculum in schools about which include 1. introduction to the topic one page 2. problem statement six paragraph and use  the references below or references of your choice.     Abel, Charles F.; Abel, Carolyn Davidson; Gooch, Donald M. International Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Society. Jun 2021, Vol. […]

Discussion. 12 hoursDiscussion. 12 hours

With a divorce rate of 49% in the U.S., financial planners are called upon to offer advice on financial concerns related to divorce. In this scenario, Anne Smith, comes to you for financial advice on how to ensure support for herself and the kids before and after the divorce. She has hired an attorney but […]

Fin D1Fin D1

Assume that you work for a healthcare organization and a patient wants to learn more about the cost for a procedure ordered by their provider. They have asked the following questions to Patient Scheduling: How much would the procedure cost because I have not yet met my deductible? Do I need pre-authorization? Is there a […]

Article AnalysisArticle Analysis

Topic :   benefits and limitations of ethics auditing  Instructions:    Please select a peer-reviewed article from the GU library on the topics for the current week. Analyze the article and correlate to your personal ethics assessment results. Write a 1-2 page summary on your analysis of the article to your assessment results and how you […]