Discipline: Business & Finance

Discussion 1Discussion 1

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read the following sections of Chapter 1: The Goals and Activities in the Foundations of Financial Management textbook: Risk Management and a Review of the Financial Crisis Corporate Governance Goals of Financial Management In addition, read the articles listed here: What is the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform […]


The Discussion for this week will once again give you the opportunity to analyze a public company’s financial statements. Discuss with your colleagues the cost flow assumptions presented in these statements. Why did the company choose these assumptions? What types of inventories did they report? Locate the annual financial report you selected in Week 1. […]

Corporate Finance: Main TaskCorporate Finance: Main Task

Main task: Mergers and Acquisitions Report Students are required to identify, and critically evaluate a hostile acquisition. Students must reference the source of information regarding their hostile takeover case. Please consider the following; “Examine a hostile acquisition and discuss the tactics employed by both the predator and the target companies. Please discuss a real life […]


Prior to completing this discussion forum, read Chapter 21 of your textbook. In this discussion, we will continue to review big data and data mining. Research the data mining practices of the organization you work for, or one that you are familiar with. Specifically, research their text mining and web mining practices. If they do […]


Prior to completing this discussion forum, read Chapter 21 of your textbook. There is no standard definition for big data or data mining. In this discussion forum, we follow the general definitions used in our textbook. “Big data” refers to a dataset that is too complex and big to apply traditional data analysis methods. “Data […]

Reserach paper for BADM 624Reserach paper for BADM 624

 Research Paper: This is a graduate course and students will be expected to research and write papers summarizing in their own words what they have found on current topics from the weekly readings. Research is a theoretical review of relevant literature and application of findings in the literature to a topic related to a specific industry, field, […]

Week 8-Implementing ChangeWeek 8-Implementing Change

   Write a minimum 2-page paper (single-spaced and 12 point type) that answers the questions posed below. Tie in explicit reference to our course materials as relevant to your analysis(see below attachments/reading video’s/reading articles). When doing so, italicize specific concepts or terms used and cite the readings/videos (at least 2 or more cites) or the […]

1. Has your company relied more on offensive or defensive strategies to achieve your rank in the industry? What options for being a first mover does your company have? Do any of these first-mover options hold competitive advantage potential?1. Has your company relied more on offensive or defensive strategies to achieve your rank in the industry? What options for being a first mover does your company have? Do any of these first-mover options hold competitive advantage potential?

   From our company’s perspective, we are currently holding a neutral position in the market competition. But at the same time, as our main strategy is selling at an average price for higher quality goods, it will be beneficial to have the first mover advantage. In order to do that, we need to increase our […]